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Major Child Psychologists
Erik Erikson
Created the theory of psychosocial development which highlights the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan.
Jerome Bruner
Played a key role in developing educational psychology, and is known for his theory on the stages of cognitive growth in children.
Jean Piaget
Developed the theory of cognitive development which describes how children construct a mental model of the world.
Mary Ainsworth
Expanded on Bowlby's attachment theory with the development of the Strange Situation procedure, which identified different types of attachment behaviors in children.
Urie Bronfenbrenner
Developed the Ecological Systems Theory, which views child development within the context of the system of relationships that form his or her environment.
Albert Bandura
Famous for the social learning theory and the concept of self-efficacy.
Arnold Gesell
Known for Gesell's Maturational theory, which asserts that development in children is a biological process that occurs in predictable sequential stages.
Lev Vygotsky
Known for his sociocultural theory of cognitive development, Vygotsky emphasized the role of social interaction and cultural context in learning.
Sigmund Freud
Proposed the psychosexual stages of development, which assert that early life experiences are crucial in the development of adult personality.
John Bowlby
Originated attachment theory, which posits that children are biologically predisposed to develop attachments with caregivers as a means of survival.
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