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Companion Planting Pairings
Lettuce and Chives
Chives deter aphids and can improve the taste and growth of lettuce.
Broccoli and Rosemary
Rosemary deters cabbage flies and carrot flies which can harm broccoli.
Garlic and Roses
Garlic can help deter aphids from roses and may improve their health and fragrance.
Zucchini and Nasturtium
Nasturtium serves as a trap crop for squash bugs and also can lure away aphids.
Carrots and Onions
Onions can deter carrot flies, and they occupy different soil levels reducing competition.
Corn and Beans
Beans fix nitrogen in soil benefiting corn, while cornstalks act as a trellis for beans.
Spinach and Strawberries
Spinach can provide ground cover to reduce weeds near strawberries. Strawberries provide lightly shaded soil beneficial for spinach in hot weather.
Cabbage and Dill
Dill attracts beneficial wasps that control pests of the cabbage.
Potatoes and Horseradish
Horseradish, planted at the corners of a potato patch, can deter potato bugs.
Tomatoes and Basil
Basil repels insects harmful to tomatoes and may also enhance flavor.
Cucumbers and Radishes
Radishes can lure pest insects away from cucumbers, acting as a trap crop.
Peppers and Marigolds
Marigolds emit a substance that deters nematodes and other garden pests from peppers.
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