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Spacecraft Power Sources
Thermionic Converters
Thermionic converters generate electricity by directly converting thermal energy from a heat source into electrical energy, often using the heat from nuclear reactions. They have been considered for use in spacecraft but are less common than RTGs.
Solar Arrays
Solar arrays work by converting sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic cells. They are commonly used to power satellites and the International Space Station.
Dynamic Isotope Power Systems
Dynamic isotope power systems convert the decay heat of a radioactive isotope into mechanical work, which is then converted into electricity. It's a conceptual alternative to RTGs.
Chemical Batteries
Chemical batteries store electrical energy through chemical reactions and release it when needed. They are used in virtually all spacecraft for energy storage, including the Hubble Space Telescope.
Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems (KERS)
KERS are systems that capture and reuse kinetic energy typically lost during spacecraft maneuvers, such as the braking phase of landing. It's largely theoretical in space applications but has been used in automotive applications.
Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs)
RTGs produce electricity through the Seebeck effect, where heat from a decaying radioactive isotope is converted into electricity via a thermocouple. Examples include power sources for the Voyager probes and the Mars Curiosity rover.
Nuclear Fission Reactors
Nuclear fission reactors produce electricity by harnessing the energy from fission reactions. While they are not common, they represent a potential power source for long-term bases on the Moon or Mars.
Electromagnetic Tethers
Electromagnetic tethers generate power by moving a conductive cable through a planet's magnetic field, inducing a current. This concept is experimental and has been tested in small scale on satellites.
Fuel Cells
Fuel cells generate electricity by combining hydrogen and oxygen, with water as a byproduct. They were used in the Apollo moon missions to provide both power and drinkable water for the astronauts.
Solar Sails
Solar sails harness the momentum of photons from sunlight to propel a spacecraft. They provide a low but continuous thrust and can be used for interplanetary travel, like with the IKAROS mission.
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