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Environmental Impact Assessment Components
Impact Prediction
Estimates the potential effects of the proposed project on the environment.
Environmental Monitoring
Sets up a system to track the effects of the project and effectiveness of mitigation.
The process where authorities decide whether the project is to be approved, modified, or rejected.
Environmental Risk Assessment
Identifies and evaluates potential risks to the environment and health.
Economic Assessment
Examines the project's financial viability and its economic implications for the environment.
Baseline Environment
Assesses the current environmental state before project commencement.
Determines whether a project requires an EIA and to what extent.
Mitigation Measures
Proposes ways to avoid, reduce or compensate the negative impacts of a project.
Environmental Management Plan
Outlines the procedures, measures, and responsibilities for managing environmental impacts.
Legal and Institutional Framework
Outlines the regulations, policies, and organizations that govern the EIA process.
Identifies the key issues and impact factors to be studied within the EIA.
Cumulative Impact Assessment
Assesses the impact of the proposed project in combination with past, present, and foreseeable future projects.
Description of Proposed Action
Provides detailed information on the proposed project or action.
Public Participation
Incorporates the views and concerns of the affected community and stakeholders.
Alternatives Analysis
Evaluates other possible options for achieving the project's objectives.
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