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Birds of Prey Identification
Bald Eagle
Scientific name: Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Habitat: North America, Distinguishing features: White head and tail with a massive yellow bill.
Peregrine Falcon
Scientific name: Falco peregrinus, Habitat: Worldwide, Distinguishing features: Blue-gray back, barred white underparts, and a black head.
Scientific name: Pandion haliaetus, Habitat: Near water bodies worldwide, Distinguishing features: White underparts, brown upperparts, and a distinctive M-shaped flying pattern.
Golden Eagle
Scientific name: Aquila chrysaetos, Habitat: Northern Hemisphere, Distinguishing features: Dark brown with lighter golden-brown plumage on their heads and necks.
American Kestrel
Scientific name: Falco sparverius, Habitat: Americas, Distinguishing features: Smallest falcon in North America with a distinctive reddish-orange plumage.
Barn Owl
Scientific name: Tyto alba, Habitat: Worldwide, Distinguishing features: Heart-shaped face, white with buff or grey plumage, and silent flight.
Red-tailed Hawk
Scientific name: Buteo jamaicensis, Habitat: North America, Distinguishing features: Broad, rounded wings with a short, wide tail which often has a reddish hue.
Snowy Owl
Scientific name: Bubo scandiacus, Habitat: Arctic regions of North America and Eurasia, Distinguishing features: Large white owl with a rounded head, and barely any visible ears.
Northern Goshawk
Scientific name: Accipiter gentilis, Habitat: Northern Hemisphere forests, Distinguishing features: Slate grey back, pale underside, and a long tail with thick stripes.
Eurasian Eagle-Owl
Scientific name: Bubo bubo, Habitat: Europe and Asia, Distinguishing features: Large owl with prominent ear tufts and orange eyes.
Griffon Vulture
Scientific name: Gyps fulvus, Habitat: Mountains and hills of Southern Europe, North Africa, and Asia, Distinguishing features: Huge wings with a ruff of white feathers around the neck and a bald head.
Harris's Hawk
Scientific name: Parabuteo unicinctus, Habitat: Semi-arid regions of the Americas, Distinguishing features: Dark brown plumage with chestnut shoulders, thighs, and underwings.
Turkey Vulture
Scientific name: Cathartes aura, Habitat: Americas, Distinguishing features: Large bird with a bald, red head and dark body. Wings have silver-grey on the underside.
Cooper's Hawk
Scientific name: Accipiter cooperii, Habitat: North American forests and woodlands, Distinguishing features: Medium-sized hawk with a rounded tail and a prominent white band at the tail's end.
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Scientific name: Accipiter striatus, Habitat: North and South America, Distinguishing features: Smallest hawk in North America, with slender legs and a long, narrow tail.
Northern Harrier
Scientific name: Circus hudsonius, Habitat: Open fields and marshlands of North America, Distinguishing features: Distinctive white rump patch, long tail, and flat, owl-like face.
Andean Condor
Scientific name: Vultur gryphus, Habitat: South American Andes mountains, Distinguishing features: Black body with white collar and large wing span. Males have a distinctive comb.
African Fish Eagle
Scientific name: Haliaeetus vocifer, Habitat: Sub-Saharan Africa, near large bodies of open water, Distinguishing features: Large bird with a distinctive brown body, white head, and large, powerful, black wings.
Swallow-tailed Kite
Scientific name: Elanoides forficatus, Habitat: Southeastern United States, parts of Central and South America, Distinguishing features: Black and white plumage, with long, forked tail and slender wings.
Steller's Sea Eagle
Scientific name: Haliaeetus pelagicus, Habitat: Coastal northeastern Asia, Distinguishing features: One of the heaviest eagles, with white shoulders and tail, and a large yellow beak.
Eastern Screech Owl
Scientific name: Megascops asio, Habitat: Eastern North America, in forests, suburban areas, and parks, Distinguishing features: Small owl with ear tufts, patterned plumage in grey or red variants, and yellow eyes.
European Honey Buzzard
Scientific name: Pernis apivorus, Habitat: Woodlands of Europe and Asia, Distinguishing features: Hawk-like bird with a small head and a long, barred tail. Primarily feeds on wasps and bees.
Lappet-faced Vulture
Scientific name: Torgos tracheliotos, Habitat: Savanna and desert regions of Africa, Distinguishing features: Large vulture with pink head, bare skin, and a distinctive fold of skin (lappet) on the sides of its head.
Zone-tailed Hawk
Scientific name: Buteo albonotatus, Habitat: Western Americas, from the southwestern United States to Central South America, Distinguishing features: Resembles a turkey vulture in flight with long, broad wings and a narrow tail with white bands.
Crested Caracara
Scientific name: Caracara plancus, Habitat: Open, savanna-like habitats in the Americas, Distinguishing features: Large bird with a black cap, white neck, and heavy, yellow bill.
Harpy Eagle
Scientific name: Harpia harpyja, Habitat: Tropical forests of Central and South America, Distinguishing features: Large, powerful eagle with dark grey feathers, a broad, black band across the chest, and striking black and white face.
Scientific name: Falco rusticolus, Habitat: Arctic regions across the Northern Hemisphere, Distinguishing features: Largest of the falcon species, comes in white to dark grey color morphs, and has long, broad-pointed wings.
Red-shouldered Hawk
Scientific name: Buteo lineatus, Habitat: Woodlands and swamps of eastern North America, Distinguishing features: Medium-sized hawk with a distinctive reddish chest and shoulders, and black and white checkering on the wings.
Philippine Eagle
Scientific name: Pithecophaga jefferyi, Habitat: Forests in the Philippines, Distinguishing features: One of the rarest eagles, with long brown feathers that form a shaggy crest, and a large, powerful bill.
Wedge-tailed Eagle
Scientific name: Aquila audax, Habitat: Australia, Distinguishing features: Largest bird of prey in Australia, with a long, wedge-shaped tail and broad wings.
Ferruginous Hawk
Scientific name: Buteo regalis, Habitat: Open country of North America, particularly the central plains and western deserts, Distinguishing features: Largest of the North American hawks, with a broad wingspan, rusty back, and pale underparts.
Martial Eagle
Scientific name: Polemaetus bellicosus, Habitat: Open and semi-open habitats throughout sub-Saharan Africa, Distinguishing features: Large eagle with a short crest, dark brown plumage with a lighter, speckled underside and massive talons.
California Condor
Scientific name: Gymnogyps californianus, Habitat: Rocky shrubland, coniferous forests, and oak savannas in California, Arizona, Utah, and Baja California, Distinguishing features: North America's largest bird with a bald, orange head, and dark, finger-like feathers on the tip of its wings.
Bearded Vulture
Scientific name: Gypaetus barbatus, Habitat: Mountainous regions of Europe, Asia, and Africa, Distinguishing features: Distinctive beard-like feathers at the base of the beak and a diet consisting largely of bones.
Mississippi Kite
Scientific name: Ictinia mississippiensis, Habitat: Southern United States, Distinguishing features: Small to medium-sized kite with a grey body, darker wings, and a slim, pointed tail.
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