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North American Mammals
American Bison
Species: Bison bison Key Characteristics: Large, shaggy brown hair, distinctive hump, and horns.
Mountain Lion
Species: Puma concolor Key Characteristics: Large, tan-colored cat, long tail, and reclusive nature.
North American Beaver
Species: Castor canadensis Key Characteristics: Large rodent, flat tail, and creates dams in waterways.
Gray Wolf
Species: Canis lupus Key Characteristics: Large canine, grey and white fur, live in packs.
Grizzly Bear
Species: Ursus arctos horribilis Key Characteristics: Large bear with a distinctive hump over the shoulders, brown fur, and aggressive tendencies.
North American River Otter
Species: Lontra canadensis Key Characteristics: Aquatic, sleek-bodied, webbed feet, and playful behavior.
Species: Alces alces Key Characteristics: Largest species of the deer family, long legs, and broad, flat antlers in males.
Red Fox
Species: Vulpes vulpes Key Characteristics: Small canine, reddish fur, bushy tail with white tip, and a sharp muzzle.
Nine-Banded Armadillo
Species: Dasypus novemcinctus Key Characteristics: Small to medium-sized mammal, with a bony armor shell, and strong claws for digging.
American Black Bear
Species: Ursus americanus Key Characteristics: Medium-sized bear, black fur with a brown muzzle, and less aggressive than the grizzly bear.
Eastern Gray Squirrel
Species: Sciurus carolinensis Key Characteristics: Tree-dwelling rodent, gray fur with bushy tail, and known for burying acorns.
North American Porcupine
Species: Erethizon dorsatum Key Characteristics: Slow-moving rodent, covered with quills, and a fondness for wood.
White-Tailed Deer
Species: Odocoileus virginianus Key Characteristics: Medium-sized deer, brownish coat with a white underside and tail, antlers on males.
American Mink
Species: Neovison vison Key Characteristics: Small, dark semi-aquatic weasel, luxurious fur, and a carnivorous diet.
American Pika
Species: Ochotona princeps Key Characteristics: Small, round-bodied, with short limbs and ears, and resides in rocky mountain areas.
Species: Procyon lotor Key Characteristics: Medium-sized mammal, distinctive black mask and ringed tail, and nimble front paws.
Canada Lynx
Species: Lynx canadensis Key Characteristics: Medium-sized cat, tufted ears, large paws for walking on snow, and a short tail.
American Badger
Species: Taxidea taxus Key Characteristics: Stocky, low-slung weasel, greyish fur with black-and-white striped face, and powerful digging abilities.
Common Opossum
Species: Didelphis marsupialis Key Characteristics: Medium-sized marsupial, greyish fur, pointed face, and prehensile tail.
Species: Ondatra zibethicus Key Characteristics: Semi-aquatic rodent, dense brown fur, and long, flattened tail.
Species: Antilocapra americana Key Characteristics: Medium-sized ungulate, distinctive white and brown fur, and unique forked horns.
Species: Gulo gulo Key Characteristics: Largest member of the weasel family, stocky and muscular, with a reputation for ferocity.
Sea Otter
Species: Enhydra lutris Key Characteristics: Aquatic, large, flippered feet, dense fur, and known for using stones to break open shellfish.
Species: Lynx rufus Key Characteristics: Small to medium-sized wildcat, short bobbed tail, and spotted patterning on fur.
American Marten
Species: Martes americana Key Characteristics: Slender, agile weasel, golden to dark brown fur, and bushy tail.
Northern Long-Eared Bat
Species: Myotis septentrionalis Key Characteristics: Small bat species, long ears, and hibernate in caves and mines during winter.
California Sea Lion
Species: Zalophus californianus Key Characteristics: Pinniped with a streamlined body, external ear flaps, and long foreflippers.
Humpback Whale
Species: Megaptera novaeangliae Key Characteristics: Baleen whale with long pectoral fins, knobby head, and complex whale songs.
Eastern Chipmunk
Species: Tamias striatus Key Characteristics: Small rodent, reddish-brown fur with five dark stripes on the back, and cheek pouches for carrying food.
Polar Bear
Species: Ursus maritimus Key Characteristics: Large bear, white to yellowish fur, and highly adapted to life in Arctic regions.
Big Brown Bat
Species: Eptesicus fuscus Key Characteristics: Medium-size bat, brown fur, and broad wings.
Bald Eagle
Species: Haliaeetus leucocephalus Key Characteristics: Large bird of prey, white head and tail feathers, and a massive yellow beak.
Kodiak Bear
Species: Ursus arctos middendorffi Key Characteristics: Subspecies of the brown bear, native to the Kodiak Archipelago, and one of the largest bears.
Species: Cervus canadensis Key Characteristics: Large deer with light brown coat, and males have large antlers that are shed each year.
Species: Canis latrans Key Characteristics: Medium-sized canine, grayish-brown to yellowish-grey fur, and a versatile diet.
American Alligator
Species: Alligator mississippiensis Key Characteristics: Large reptile with a broad snout, powerful tail, and armored body with bony plates.
Spotted Skunk
Species: Spilogale putorius Key Characteristics: Small to medium-sized skunk, black with white stripes and spots, and can spray a foul odor.
Bighorn Sheep
Species: Ovis canadensis Key Characteristics: Large sheep with a brown coat, white rump, and large curved horns in males.
American Mule Deer
Species: Odocoileus hemionus Key Characteristics: Medium-sized deer, large mule-like ears, and black-tipped tail.
Hoary Bat
Species: Lasiurus cinereus Key Characteristics: One of the larger species of bats in North America, distinctive silver-grey fur with a frosted appearance.
Black-Tailed Prairie Dog
Species: Cynomys ludovicianus Key Characteristics: Small, burrowing rodent, tan coat, and a black-tipped tail.
American Bison
Species: Bison bison Key Characteristics: Large, herbivorous, with a shaggy winter coat, and large head with shoulder hump.
River Otter
Species: Lontra canadensis Key Characteristics: Dark brown fur, a streamlined body, and webbed feet for swimming.
Species: Ochotona princeps Key Characteristics: Small, mountain-dwelling mammal with short limbs and rounded ears.
Black Bear
Species: Ursus americanus Key Characteristics: Omnivorous with a varying diet, good climbers, and the most widespread bear in North America.
Kit Fox
Species: Vulpes macrotis Key Characteristics: The smallest fox species in North America, pale grey to tan fur, and large ears for thermoregulation.
Virginia Opossum
Species: Didelphis virginiana Key Characteristics: North America's only marsupial, with a prehensile tail, and a tendency to play dead when threatened.
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