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Scientific Discoveries of the Renaissance
Anatomical Studies
Andreas Vesalius - His accurate description of the human anatomy corrected numerous anatomical errors and advanced medical knowledge.
Laws of Planetary Motion
Johannes Kepler - Provided a description of the precise motions of planets, leading to better predictions of planetary positions and enhancing navigation.
Nicolaus Copernicus - Challenged the geocentric model, placing the Sun at the center of the universe, which profoundly altered the course of astronomical study.
Application of Scientific Method
Galileo Galilei - His use of empirical evidence to confirm theories laid the groundwork for the modern scientific method.
Discovery of the Circulatory System
William Harvey - Demonstrated how blood was circulated and pumped by the heart, overturning centuries of medical dogma.
Basis of Genetics
Gregor Mendel (Post-Renaissance) - Discovered the fundamental laws of inheritance, which became the foundation for the science of genetics.
Advancements in Mathematics
Renaissance Mathematicians (e.g., Fibonacci) - Fostered the development of algebra, geometry, and the use of mathematical models in science.
Development of the Telescope
Hans Lippershey (and others) - The creation of telescopes which allowed for vast improvements in astronomy and navigation.
Microscopic Discoveries
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - His refinement of the microscope and the discovery of microorganisms began the field of microbiology.
Laws of Motion
Sir Isaac Newton - His formulation transformed the study of motion and physical processes, becoming a cornerstone of physics.
Fossil Studies and Paleontology
Leonardo da Vinci - His observations contributed to the understanding of fossils as remains of ancient life, influencing the study of Earth’s history.
Study of Magnetism
William Gilbert - Authored 'De Magnete', systematically explaining magnetic phenomena and distinguishing between magnetism and static electricity.
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