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Visual Display Design
Pie Chart
Ideal for showing relative proportions or percentages of a whole.
Bar Chart
Effective for comparing quantities across different categories.
Line Graph
Use for displaying data trends over time or categories.
Shows the distribution of a single continuous variable.
Scatter Plot
Displays relationship between two quantitative variables.
Sankey Diagram
Visualizes the flow from one set of values to another, where the width of the arrows is proportional to the flow quantity.
Venn Diagram
Shows all possible logical relations between a finite collection of sets.
Flow Chart
Represents a series of steps in a process.
Aggregates multiple types of visual displays to monitor performance at a glance.
Stem-and-Leaf Plot
Displays quantitative data to retain its actual values and maintain a visual distribution.
Network Diagram
Displays relationships between different items or entities.
Gantt Chart
Used for project management to show project timelines and progress.
Choropleth Map
Uses differences in shading, coloring, or the placing of symbols within geographic areas to show data variations.
Box Plot
Summarizes data set distribution with quartiles and medians.
Heat Map
Visualizes data through variations in coloring.
Tree Map
Displays hierarchical data as a set of nested rectangles.
Area Chart
Similar to a line chart, but with the area below the line filled with color or pattern.
Bubble Chart
Similar to a scatter plot but includes a third dimension, represented by the size of the bubble.
Bullet Graph
Displays performance data against a target and qualitative ranges.
Radial Chart
Data is plotted in terms of circles, with each data point at an equal angle from each other.
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