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Syntax Structures
What did she say?
(SQ(WHADJP(WH What))(AUX did)(NP(PRON she))(VP(V say)))
Could you please pass the salt?
(SQ(MOD Could)(NP(PRON you))(ADVP(ADV please))(VP(V pass)(NP(D the)(N salt))))
She gave him a new book.
(S(NP(PRON She))(VP(V gave)(NP(PRON him))(NP(D a)(ADJ new)(N book))))
What are the chances of success?
(SQ(WHADJP(WH What))(AUX are)(NP(D the)(N chances))(PP(P of)(NP(N success))))
She is reading a book.
(S(NP(PRON She))(VP(V is)(VP(V reading)(NP(D a)(N book)))))
The students are studying in the library.
(S(NP(D The)(N students))(VP(V are)(VP(V studying)(PP(P in)(NP(D the)(N library))))))
Can you help me?
(SQ(MOD Can)(NP(PRON you))(VP(V help)(NP(PRON me))))
The book that I read was fascinating.
(S(NP(D The)(N book)(SBAR(WHNP(WH that))(S(NP(PRON I))(VP(V read)))))(VP(V was)(ADJ fascinating)))
I can swim.
(S(NP(PRON I))(VP(MOD can)(VP(V swim))))
If it rains, we will cancel the trip.
(S(ADVP(PP(P If)(NP(PRON it)(VP(V rains)))))(COMMA ,)(NP(PRON we))(VP(MOD will)(VP(V cancel)(NP(D the)(N trip)))))
A beautiful garden surrounds the house.
(S(NP(D A)(ADJ beautiful)(N garden))(VP(V surrounds)(NP(D the)(N house))))
Has the train already left?
(SQ(AUX Has)(NP(D the)(N train))(ADVP(ADV already))(VP(V left)))
My brother and I cooked dinner.
(S(NP(NP(D My)(N brother))(CC and)(NP(PRON I)))(VP(V cooked)(NP(N dinner))))
Neither he nor I am attending the meeting.
(S(NP(CC Neither)(NP(PRON he))(CC nor)(NP(PRON I)))(VP(V am)(VP(V attending)(NP(D the)(N meeting)))))
Someone must have left the door open.
(S(NP(N Someone))(VP(MOD must)(VP(V have)(VP(V left)(NP(D the)(N door))(ADJP(ADV open))))))
The cat sat on the mat.
(S(NP(D The)(N cat))(VP(V sat)(PP(P on)(NP(D the)(N mat)))))
They will be going to the park.
(S(NP(PRON They))(VP(MOD will)(VP(V be)(VP(V going)(PP(P to)(NP(D the)(N park)))))))
The cup of tea is too hot to drink.
(S(NP(D The)(N cup)(PP(P of)(NP(N tea))))(VP(V is)(ADJP(ADV too)(ADJ hot)(S(PART to)(VP(V drink)))))
He doesn't like to play football.
(S(NP(PRON He))(VP(AUX doesn't)(VP(V like)(S(TO to)(VP(V play)(NP(N football)))))))
When do we leave?
(SQ(ADVP(PP(P When)))(AUX do)(NP(PRON we))(VP(V leave)))
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
(S(NP(ADJ The)(ADJ quick)(ADJ brown)(N fox))(VP(V jumps)(PP(P over)(NP(D the)(ADJ lazy)(N dog)))))
Carefully, the artist painted the mural.
(S(ADVP(ADV Carefully))(COMMA ,)(NP(D the)(N artist))(VP(V painted)(NP(D the)(N mural))))
After the party, we went home.
(S(ADVP(PP(P After)(NP(D the)(N party))))(COMMA ,)(NP(PRON we))(VP(V went)(ADVP(P home))))
Without water, the plants would die.
(S(ADVP(PP(P Without)(NP(N water))))(COMMA ,)(NP(D the)(N plants))(VP(MOD would)(VP(V die))))
Let's go to the beach!
(IMP(VP(V Let's)(VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(D the)(N beach))))))
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