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Foundations of Health Education
Learners actively construct their own understanding. Health education uses this by facilitating personal exploration of health beliefs and practices.
Theory of Planned Behavior
Behavior is driven by behavioral intentions where attitude, social norms, and perceived control play a key role. Health education interventions seek to influence these components to change behavior.
Experiential Learning Theory
Learning is based on the cycle of experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting. Health education engages individuals in hands-on experiences to promote learning and behavior change.
Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model
Behavior change is pulled by information, motivation, and behavioral skills. Health education strategies provide knowledge, increase motivation, and develop skills necessary for behavior change.
Health Belief Model
Decisions about health behavior are based on personal beliefs about health issues. Health education targets these beliefs to encourage healthy choices.
Lewin's Change Theory
Change involves three steps: unfreezing, change, and refreezing. Health education can use this model to facilitate the adoption of new, healthier behaviors and solidifying them.
Focus on observable behaviors. Uses reinforcement to shape behavior. Applied in health education through reward systems for healthy behaviors.
Community Organization Model
Focuses on community-driven change and empowerment. Health education emphasizes the role of community action and resource development to improve health.
Social Learning Theory
Learning is a social process and often occurs through observation. In health education, role models promote healthy behaviors which are imitated by individuals.
Empowerment Education Model
Aims to increase personal and community power through participatory learning experiences. Health education encourages critical reflection and action for change.
Social Ecological Model
Health is affected by interactions between individuals and their environment. Health education uses this model to address factors at various levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and public policy.
A planning model that starts with desired outcomes and works backward to identify strategies. Health education uses it for program planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Self-Determination Theory
Focuses on the degree to which an individual's behavior is self-motivated. In health education, the concept of autonomy can be applied to empower individuals to make their own health choices.
Health Action Process Approach (HAPA)
A model that distinguishes between the motivational phase and the volitional phase of adopting health behaviors. Health education can help establish intentions and translate them into action.
Information Processing Theory
Looks at how individuals encode, process, store, and retrieve information. In health education, this theory is used to design materials that enhance memory and comprehension.
Emphasizes internal thought processes and the mind as an information processor. Used in health education to develop problem-solving skills and understanding health information.
Diffusion of Innovations Theory
Explains how new ideas and practices spread within a community. Used in health education to spread healthy behaviors and practices across populations.
Transtheoretical Model
Behavior change is a process that takes place in stages. Health education programs can be tailored to target specific stages of change.
Health Literacy Concept
The degree to which individuals can obtain, process, and understand basic health information. Health education programs aim to improve health literacy among populations.
Protection Motivation Theory
Focuses on how individuals are motivated to protect themselves from harmful events. Health education uses fear appeals to motivate protective behaviors while also providing efficacy information.
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