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Parasitic Insects
Aphidius colemani
Host species: Aphids Effect: Parasitoid wasp lays eggs inside aphids, larvae consume aphid from inside.
Cuscuta spp.
Host species: Various plants Effect: Cuscuta, a parasitic plant, weakens host by extracting water and nutrients.
Varroa destructor
Host species: Honey bees Effect: Mites feed on bee larvae and adults, transmitting viruses and weakening colonies.
Host species: Grapevines Effect: Aphid-like insects feed on roots and leaves, causing galls and damage to the plant.
Helicoverpa zea
Host species: Corn, cotton, and other crops Effect: Larvae (corn earworm) feed on a variety of plants causing significant crop damage.
Plasmodium spp.
Host species: Humans, other vertebrates Effect: Parasites that cause malaria, transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes.
Tetranychus urticae
Host species: Over 1,100 plant species Effect: Spider mites damage plants by piercing plant cells and feeding on contents.
Trypanosoma spp.
Host species: Animals including cattle Effect: Causes diseases like African sleeping sickness, transmitted by tsetse fly.
Leucochloridium paradoxum
Host species: Snails and birds Effect: Parasitic flatworm that causes snail's tentacles to pulsate mimicking caterpillars, which are then eaten by birds.
Globodera rostochiensis
Host species: Potato plants Effect: Potato cyst nematodes cause growth stunting and reduced yields.
Host species: Wide range of plants Effect: True bugs including aphids, whiteflies, and scale insects extract sap weakening plants.
Oestrus ovis
Host species: Sheep Effect: Larvae (sheep bot fly) infest nasal passages causing irritation and potential secondary infections.
Ixodes scapularis
Host species: White-tailed deer, humans Effect: Deer ticks are vectors of Lyme disease, causing skin lesions and if untreated, broader symptoms.
Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus
Host species: Cattle Effect: Cattle tick causes babesiosis and anaplasmosis, leading to reduced productivity and sometimes death.
Anopheles spp.
Host species: Humans Effect: Mosquito genus that transmits malaria, impacting human health and productivity.
Dermacentor variabilis
Host species: Humans, dogs Effect: American dog tick, vectors of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia, causing fever and rash.
Diaphorina citri
Host species: Citrus plants Effect: Psyllids act as vectors of citrus greening disease, leading to fruit drop and tree decline.
Triatoma spp.
Host species: Humans and other mammals Effect: Kissing bugs are vectors of Chagas disease, causing chronic and potentially fatal health issues.
Bemisia tabaci
Host species: Wide range of crops Effect: Whiteflies cause damage by feeding and transmitting plant viruses, leading to reduced yields and quality.
Lutzomyia longipalpis
Host species: Dogs, humans Effect: Sand flies transmit Leishmania parasites, causing leishmaniasis, which can lead to skin sores and organ damage.
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