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Demand Forecasting Models
Naive Forecast
A model that uses the most recent data point as the next period's forecast. Typically used as a benchmark due to its simplicity.
Moving Average
Averages a number of the most recent actual data points to smooth out short-term fluctuations and highlight longer-term trends or cycles.
Weighted Moving Average
Similar to the moving average model but assigns weights to each data point based on its relevance, with more recent data typically given more weight.
Exponential Smoothing
A time series forecasting method that applies decreasing weights to past data exponentially. It’s useful for data with no clear trend or seasonal pattern.
Double Exponential Smoothing
An extension of exponential smoothing to capture trends by including a second equation that accounts for the trend component of the data.
Triple Exponential Smoothing
Also known as Holt-Winters method, it includes a third equation to handle seasonal variations in addition to level and trend.
Stands for AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average. ARIMA models time series data based on past values and errors; good for stationary datasets.
Seasonal ARIMA
An extension of the ARIMA model that specifically takes into account seasonality in a time series dataset.
Croston’s Method
A forecasting technique for intermittent demand, where demand is infrequent and highly variable. It's based on separate exponential smoothing of demand levels and demand intervals.
Econometric Models
Utilize statistical techniques to model economic data points and include variables like price, economic indicators, and marketing activities.
Regression Analysis
A statistical method for estimating the relationships among variables. Often used to forecast demand based on observed relationships between sales and other factors.
Judgmental Forecasting
Uses qualitative data and expert opinion to make predictions when quantitative data is unavailable or to adjust quantitative forecasts.
Sales Force Composite
A consensus technique where sales estimates from individual salespersons are reviewed for feasibility and combined to create a company-wide forecast.
Time Series Decomposition
Breaks down a time series into seasonal, trend, and random components. This model is good when a time series is influenced by seasonal factors.
Delphi Method
A structured communication technique that relies on a panel of experts. The experts answer questionnaires in two or more rounds and the results are aggregated for the forecast.
Market Research
Involves gathering data about consumers' needs and preferences to forecast potential demand. Often used for new products and services.
Causal Models
These models assume that the forecasted variable is influenced by one or more independent variables. Common techniques include regression and econometric models.
Neural Networks
A form of machine learning that can model complex non-linear relationships. These are used for demand forecasting in cases where relationships between data points are too intricate for traditional models.
Bayesian Forecasting
A statistical model that incorporates prior knowledge or beliefs alongside the observed data. It updates the forecasts as more data becomes available.
Inventory Control Models
These models, such as the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model and Reorder Point (ROP) model, are used to determine the optimal order quantity and timing to minimize costs related to inventory.
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