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Educational Policy Acronyms
Individualized Education Program & A written education plan designed to meet a child's learning needs with measurable annual goals, specifics on special education supports and services that the school will provide to the child.
U.S. Department of Education & A government agency that establishes policy for, administers, and coordinates most federal assistance to education.
Office for Civil Rights & Enforces federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics & An educational approach and curriculum that integrates the four disciplines together for a comprehensive learning experience.
Grade Point Average & A standard way of measuring academic achievement in the U.S. essentially a numerical representation of a student's average performance across their classes.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act & Ensures students with disabilities are provided with Free Appropriate Public Education that is tailored to their individual needs.
No Child Left Behind & A 2001 Act that supports standards-based education reform with the goal of improving educational outcomes for all students.
English Language Learner & Students who are unable to communicate fluently or learn effectively in English, who often come from non-English-speaking homes and backgrounds.
Free Appropriate Public Education & A legal right under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for students with disabilities.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act & A 1965 federal law that created a comprehensive set of programs, including Title I for schools serving disadvantaged students.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports & An evidence-based model of schooling that uses data-based problem-solving to integrate academic and behavioral instruction and intervention.
Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol & A research-based and validated instructional model that has proven effective in addressing the academic needs of English learners.
Response to Intervention & A multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs.
Common Core State Standards & A set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA) that outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade.
Professional Development & The practice of training and developing educators through various forms of education, training and learning opportunities.
School Resource Officer & A career law enforcement officer with sworn authority who is deployed by an employing police department or agency in a community-oriented policing assignment to work in collaboration with schools.
Every Student Succeeds Act & Reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, ensuring that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports & An evidence-based framework for developing positive behavior and is used in schools nationwide to create a positive climate for learning.
Scholastic Assessment Test & A standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act & Protects the privacy of student education records.
English Language Arts & Refers to the study and improvement of the skills of reading, writing, and literature in the English language.
Professional Learning Community & An approach to school improvement where groups of educators meet regularly, share expertise, and work collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of students.
Least Restrictive Environment & A core principle of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that requires students with disabilities to be educated to the maximum extent appropriate with peers without disabilities.
Adequate Yearly Progress & A measurement under the No Child Left Behind Act that stated schools were required to meet or exceed state education performance standards.
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