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Common Improv Exercises
Living Scenery
Objective: To improvise physical objects or environments using only the actors' bodies. Instructions: Two players perform a scene while others become the props and scenery, as directed by the scene's needs.
One-Word Story
Objective: To collaborate on creating a story and practice narrative skills. Instructions: Players stand in a circle and contribute to a story by saying one word at a time.
Sound Ball
Objective: To warm up and focus on using nonverbal communication. Instructions: Players pass an imaginary ball with accompanying sounds, which the receiver must mirror before passing to someone else.
Party Quirks
Objective: To work on character development and the ability to endow characters with distinct traits. Instructions: One player hosts a party, while the others are given unique quirks by the director. The host must guess the quirks of the guests.
Expert Interview
Objective: To practice the portrayal of expertise and credibility in a subject matter. Instructions: One player is interviewed as an 'expert' on a bizarre or made-up topic; they must respond confidently and inventively.
Status Shift
Objective: To explore and portray shifts in status between characters. Instructions: Actors play out a scene in which their characters’ statuses are gradually reversed.
Word Association
Objective: To work on spontaneous thinking and connections between words. Instructions: Players rapidly exchange words that have to be associated with the word they just heard.
Genre Replay
Objective: To adapt scenes to various genres and practice style flexibility. Instructions: Players first perform a neutral scene. Then, they replay the scene multiple times, each in a different director-specified genre.
Yes, And
Objective: To build scenes with affirmative responses and expand on partners' suggestions. Instructions: When a partner makes a statement or suggestion, respond with 'Yes, And' followed by an addition to the idea.
Emotional Rollercoaster
Objective: To demonstrate the ability to shift between different emotions rapidly. Instructions: Players perform a scene and must switch emotions when the director shouts them out.
What Are You Doing?
Objective: To think quickly and stay present in the moment. Instructions: Players ask each other 'What are you doing?', and the other must respond with an action unrelated to their current activity, which they then mime.
Alphabet Game
Objective: To sharpen verbal agility and quick thinking in a scene structure. Instructions: Players perform a scene where each line must begin with the next letter of the alphabet.
Emotional Symphony
Objective: To explore a range of emotions and how they can be expressed nonverbally. Instructions: The director assigns different emotions to each player. On cue, players express their given emotion with sound and movement, creating a 'symphony'.
Freeze Tag
Objective: To practice thinking on your feet and jumping into scenes with clear offers. Instructions: Two actors start a scene, while others wait on the sidelines. At any point, someone from the sideline can yell 'Freeze!', tag an actor to take their place and start a new scene.
Conducted Story
Objective: To co-create a narrative with seamless transitions between storytellers. Instructions: One player acts as a conductor and points to players, cueing them to continue the story where the last person left off.
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