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Famous Improv Exercises
Emotional Symphony
A conductor points to performers who 'play' their assigned emotion, contributing to a growing, emotional 'symphony'.
Slide Show
Players present a 'slide show', with some acting as presenters and others freezing in poses to represent the slides.
Two players start at opposite sides of the stage, speaking different monologues. They gradually converge into one unified scene.
One player mimes actions silently while another provides the voice and dialogue, attempting to match the actions.
Foreign Film Dub
Two players act out a scene in a made-up language while two other players translate it into the local language in real-time.
Sound Effects
One player provides live sound effects for another player's actions in a scene.
Gibberish Interpreter
One player speaks in gibberish while another translates, pretending to understand the gibberish perfectly.
The Alphabet Game
Each line of dialogue begins with the next consecutive letter of the alphabet, starting from a chosen letter.
Expert Interview
One player is an 'expert' on a made-up topic, and the rest ask questions. The expert must provide confident answers.
Day In The Life
One player narrates a typical day in their life while the others act it out, often with exaggeration and distortion.
New Choice
During a scene, a director can shout 'New choice!' and the last statement or action must be replaced with something new.
Party Quirks
One player is a host and the others are guests with assigned quirks. The host must guess the quirks.
Status Transaction
Players act out a scene where they subtly trade social status, changing the dynamics between the characters.
Conducted Story
The conductor points at players prompting them to continue the group story, sometimes mid-sentence.
Freeze Tag
Scenes begin with two players and at any point, someone outside yells 'Freeze!', taps a player, takes their position, and starts a new scene.
Character Walk
Players walk around the room as a character, including gait, posture, and speed, then interact based on those characters.
Two players face each other and one mimics the movements of the other as if they are reflections in a mirror.
Three-Headed Broadway Star
Three players share one character and sing a Broadway-style song one word at a time.
Yes And
Participants build a scene by affirmatively responding to each other's contributions and then expanding on them.
Players use an ordinary object as many different things as possible, other than what it actually is.
What Are You Doing?
Players ask each other 'What are you doing?' and respond with any action except for what they are actually doing.
Genre Replay
A scene is performed, then replayed several times in different specified genres (e.g., horror, western, sci-fi).
The director can shout 'Reverse!' or 'Forward!' at any time, causing the players to perform the scene backwards or resume forward.
One-Word Story
Participants tell a story with each person adding only one word at a time.
Space Jump
Players form a scene, and periodically, someone offstage yells 'Space Jump' and all freeze. The new player joins changing the scene.
Zip Zap Zop
Players stand in a circle and pass energy with eye contact and saying 'Zip', 'Zap', or 'Zop'.
Park Bench of Truth
One person sits on a 'bench' and others join them and share 'truths'. When a new truth is told, one person leaves until only one remains.
Players assign each other secret objectives to achieve during a scene without letting the audience know what they are.
Entrances and Exits
Players must enter or exit the scene whenever their assigned trigger word is spoken.
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