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Improv Warm-Up Games
Yes And
Partners build a scene by affirming ('yes') and adding new information ('and') to each statement made, fostering acceptance and collaboration.
Object Transformation
A player presents an object and uses it as if it were something else, and other players guess what the new object is supposed to be.
Mind Meld
Two players count to three and then say a word simultaneously. They continue this pattern, trying to say the same word without prior planning.
Alphabet Scene
Players perform a scene where each new line starts with the subsequent letter of the alphabet, beginning with a letter chosen at random.
Status Shuffle
Players walk around the room and adopt different status characteristics when a leader calls out 'high' or 'low' status, embodying the corresponding physicality and behavior.
Four players start a scene in a car, and when a 'hitchhiker' enters with a distinct characteristic, everyone in the car adopts that trait.
Zip Zap Zop
Players stand in a circle and pass energy with eye contact and sharp, clear phrases: 'zip', 'zap', and 'zop'.
Emotional Orchestra
Each player is assigned an emotion. When the conductor points to them, they express that emotion vocally, creating an emotional symphony.
Sound Ball
Players pass a 'ball' of energy around the circle with a unique sound. Receivers mimic the sound before passing it on.
Count to 20
Players in a group try to count to 20 out loud, one number at a time. If two players speak simultaneously, they start over.
Expert Interview
One player is the 'expert' on an improvised topic, and another player interviews them. The expert must convincingly make up information on the spot.
Freeze Tag
Two players start an improvised scene. At any moment, an outside player can yell 'freeze', take the position of one of the characters, and start a new scene.
What Are You Doing?
Players ask each other 'What are you doing?' and respond with an action unrelated to what they are actually doing, prompting the other player to act it out.
Conducted Story
A conductor points to players in a circle to narrate a story, with players adding on where the last one left off. The conductor can change narrators at any time.
Space Jump
One player starts a solo scene. As new players 'jump' in, the number of characters and complexity grows. The original player then leaves, and the process reverses until the last person is solo again.
One-Word Story
Players tell a story one word at a time, each person adding only one word when it's their turn.
Park Bench of Truth
Players sit on a 'bench' and reveal truths or confessions as their character, with the aim of making the other player react or laugh.
Gibberish Conversation
Two players have a conversation using gibberish only while conveying emotion and intention through tone and body language.
Party Quirks
One player hosts a party while others are assigned specific quirks or characters. The host must guess the quirks as they interact with the guests.
Blind Leading
In pairs, one player is blindfolded and guided through an obstacle course by their partner using only verbal instructions, fostering trust and communication.
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