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Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Banking Concept of Education
Freire criticizes traditional education for being an act of 'depositing', in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor. Rather than encouraging critical thinking and knowledge construction, students are intended to just store the information.
Known as 'conscientização' in Portuguese, it refers to the process of developing a critical awareness of one’s social reality through reflection and action. Freire considered it essential for the oppressed to perceive the social, political, and economic contradictions in order to take action against oppressive elements.
For Freire, dialogue is a methodological approach that ensures active participation and critical thinking in the educational process. It promotes equality between teacher and student, transforming the act of learning into a collaborative problem-solving process.
Freire defined praxis as the action and reflection of people upon their world in order to transform it. Effective education according to Freire could never be separated from the active questioning and changing of the world.
Oppressor-Oppressed Relationship
A key focus of Freire's work, this concept refers to the power dynamics and the 'us vs. them' dichotomy that perpetuates social injustices. Freire believed that education should empower the oppressed to regain their humanity and overcome the conditions of their oppression.
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