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Reforestation Techniques
Seed Tree
Leaves some mature seed-producing trees standing so they can reseed the logged area. Used when natural regeneration is desired and sufficient seed trees exist.
Clearcutting followed by planting
Involves removing all trees from an area and then replanting it with new seedlings. Often used when the forest has been heavily degraded or when specific commercial species are desired.
Shelterwood Cutting
Removes trees in phases to establish a new generation of seedlings under the protection of older trees. Used in areas where both natural regeneration and protection of young seedlings are important.
Selection Cutting
Involves selective removal of specific trees to encourage growth of remaining trees. Used in mixed forests where growth conditions vary and maintaining diversity is important.
Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR)
Enhances the establishment of natural regeneration by protecting and nurturing young seedlings already present. Used in degraded forests where natural seeds are present but conditions are not conducive for growth.
Direct Seeding
Seeds are directly sown into the soil rather than planting seedlings. Used when it is more economical than planting seedlings and when conditions are suitable for seed germination and growth.
Riparian Buffer Planting
Specialized reforestation technique where trees are planted along waterways. Used to stabilize stream banks, reduce erosion, and improve water quality.
Ecological Restoration
Aims to restore the original ecological structure and function of an area. Used in ecosystems that have been significantly disturbed or degraded.
Integrates trees with crops or livestock production. Used to create more diverse, productive, and sustainable land-use systems.
The process of planting trees in an area where there was no previous tree cover. Used to create forests in areas that historically did not contain them.
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