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Silvicultural Systems
Clearcutting System
Complete removal of all trees in a stand. Objectives include the regeneration of shade-intolerant species and efficient harvesting operations. Typically applied in forests with tree species that require full sunlight.
Shelterwood System
A progressive removal of trees in two or more cuts. Objectives include the establishment of a new generation under the shelter of remaining trees. Generally applied in forests with moderately shade-tolerant species.
Seed Tree System
Selection and retention of a small number of mature and healthy seed trees. Objectives are natural regeneration with seed dispersal from the retained trees and genetic diversity. Often used in forests that are well adapted for seed regeneration.
Selection System
Harvest of individual trees or small groups. Objectives include continuous timber production, preservation of forest structure, and maintenance of biodiversity. Commonly applied in mixed-species forests with variations in age and size.
Group Selection System
Removal of small groups of trees to create canopy gaps. Objectives are to promote regeneration in the openings and provide a diverse age structure. Suitable for species that require both shade and sunlight during their development.
Coppice System
Cutting of trees at the stump to encourage sprout growth. Objectives include the production of wood without replanting and rapid growth from stumps. Typically applied in hardwood forests where trees are capable of sprouting.
Coppice with Standards System
A combination of coppice and high forest systems. Objectives include the production of both coppice products and high-quality timber from standards. Applied where there is a need for various timber sizes and types.
High Forest System
Management of forest stands to grow primarily through seed rather than sprouting. Objectives are to produce high-quality timber with natural regeneration or planting. Used in forests where mature trees are preferred over coppice growth.
Strip Cutting System
Trees are removed in narrow strips to encourage regeneration in the sheltered area next to the cut strip. Objectives include wind protection for new seedlings and a gradual transition to new growth. Often used in forests prone to windthrow or needing wind protection.
Even-aged Management
Silvicultural practices designed to create stands that are of the same age class. Objectives are to simplify management practices and harvesting. Typically applied in plantations and areas where specific age-class timber production is desired.
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