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Ocean Energy Overview
Tidal Power
The harnessing of energy from the natural rise and fall of ocean tides to generate electricity.
Wave Energy
Energy captured from surface waves or from pressure fluctuations below the surface.
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)
A process that leverages the temperature difference between cooler deep and warmer shallow or surface seawaters to generate electricity.
Salinity Gradient Energy
Power generated from the differential in salt concentration between fresh water and sea water, often using osmosis.
Marine Current Power
Energy derived from the kinetic energy of marine currents, which are driven by tides and wind.
Tidal Barrage
A dam-like structure that captures the potential energy generated by the height difference between high and low tides.
Tidal Stream Generator
A machine that extracts energy from the kinetic flow of tidal waters, similar functionally to a wind turbine.
Wave Period
The time it takes for two successive wave crests or troughs to pass a fixed point.
Wave Height
The vertical distance between the crest (the highest point of the wave) and the trough (the lowest point).
A layer in a body of water where temperature changes more rapidly with depth than it does in the layers above or below.
Wave Frequency
The number of waves passing a fixed point per unit time, usually measured in hertz (Hz).
Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO)
A method of generating electricity by using the osmotic pressure difference between fresh water and salt water to produce a pressure that can drive a turbine.
Reverse Electrodialysis (RED)
An energy generation process that harnesses the voltage potential across a membrane due to the salinity gradient between saltwater and freshwater.
Pelamis Wave Energy Converter
A wave power generation technology that uses the motion of floating, articulated structures to generate electricity.
Dynamic Tidal Power (DTP)
A theoretical concept where a long dam (or series of dams) is built perpendicular to the coast, with the potential to capture energy from tidal currents on a grand scale.
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