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Therapeutic Exercises
Target muscle group: Quadriceps and Glutes, Intended outcome: Strengthening the lower body and improving functional mobility
Target muscle group: Quadriceps, Hamstrings and Glutes, Intended outcome: Strengthening and balancing the muscles of the lower limbs
Target muscle group: Core muscles including the rectus abdominis, Intended outcome: Core stabilization and strengthening
Target muscle group: Glutes and Hamstrings, Intended outcome: Improving posterior chain strength and hip stability
Wall Push-Ups
Target muscle group: Pectoralis Major, Deltoids, Triceps, Intended outcome: Upper body strengthening with reduced load
Leg Raises
Target muscle group: Hip Flexors and Lower Abdominals, Intended outcome: Strengthening of hip and core stabilizers
Arm Circles
Target muscle group: Deltoids and Rotator Cuff Muscles, Intended outcome: Shoulder mobility and strengthening
Hamstring Stretch
Target muscle group: Hamstrings, Intended outcome: Improving flexibility and reducing tightness
Quad Stretch
Target muscle group: Quadriceps, Intended outcome: Increasing muscle length and relieving tightness
Cat-Cow Stretch
Target muscle group: Spinal Extensors and Flexors, Intended outcome: Enhancing spinal mobility and core strength
Pec Stretch
Target muscle group: Pectoralis Major, Intended outcome: Improving chest flexibility and reducing tension
External Shoulder Rotation
Target muscle group: Rotator Cuff, Intended outcome: Strengthening shoulder stabilizers and improving range of motion
Toe Raises
Target muscle group: Calves, Intended outcome: Strengthening the calf muscles and improving ankle stability
Seated Marching
Target muscle group: Hip Flexors and Core, Intended outcome: Core engagement and hip flexor strengthening
Ankle Pumps
Target muscle group: Ankle and Calves, Intended outcome: Improving ankle mobility and circulation
Supine Hip Abduction
Target muscle group: Hip Abductors, Intended outcome: Strengthening outer thigh and hip stabilizers
Shoulder Flexion with Band
Target muscle group: Deltoids, Intended outcome: Strengthening the anterior shoulder and improving overhead movement
Prone Extensions
Target muscle group: Lower Back and Glutes, Intended outcome: Strengthening the back extensor muscles
Knee to Chest Stretch
Target muscle group: Glutes and lower back, Intended outcome: Reducing lower back tension and increasing hip mobility
Sidelying Leg Lifts
Target muscle group: Hip Abductors, Intended outcome: Strengthening hip muscles and promoting pelvic stability
Triceps Dips
Target muscle group: Triceps, Intended outcome: Strengthening the upper arms and improving pushing movements
Standing Calf Stretch
Target muscle group: Gastrocnemius and Soleus (Calves), Intended outcome: Improving flexibility of the calf muscles
Pelvic Tilts
Target muscle group: Core and Lower Back, Intended outcome: Strengthening the abdominal muscles and improving lower back stability
Scapular Retraction
Target muscle group: Middle Traps and Rhomboids, Intended outcome: Strengthening the mid-back for better posture
Bird Dog
Target muscle group: Core and Spinal Stabilizers, Intended outcome: Enhancing core stability and balance
Target muscle group: Hip Abductors and Glutes, Intended outcome: Strengthening hip stabilizers and encouraging proper leg alignment
Wrist Flexion and Extension
Target muscle group: Wrist Flexors and Extensors, Intended outcome: Strengthening the forearm muscles and improving wrist mobility
Single Leg Balance
Target muscle group: Lower limb stabilizers, Intended outcome: Improving balance and proprioception
Core Ball Hug
Target muscle group: Core and Chest, Intended outcome: Engaging core muscles and promoting chest mobility
Supine Pelvic Clocks
Target muscle group: Core, Hips, and Lower Back, Intended outcome: Improving pelvic control and core stability
Forward Gait with Band
Target muscle group: Glutes, Hip Flexors, and Core, Intended outcome: Enhancing walking dynamics and strengthening lower body
Banded Row
Target muscle group: Lats, Rhomboids, and Biceps, Intended outcome: Strengthening back muscles and improving pulling movements
Bicep Curls
Target muscle group: Biceps Brachii, Intended outcome: Strengthening the upper arms for lifting activities
Eccentric Heel Drops
Target muscle group: Calves and Achilles Tendon, Intended outcome: Strengthening the calf muscles and improving tendon resilience
Prone Scapular Squeeze
Target muscle group: Middle and Lower Traps, Intended outcome: Addressing scapular dyskinesis and strengthening back muscles
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