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Roman Emperors
Antoninus Pius
Reign: AD 138 - AD 161; Major achievements: Was a peaceful and prosperous ruler, improved legal system, left the empire economically sound.
Romulus Augustulus
Reign: AD 475 - AD 476; Major achievements: Last emperor of the Western Roman Empire, deposed by the Germanic chieftain Odoacer.
Reign: AD 79 - AD 81; Major achievements: Completed the Colosseum, provided relief after the eruption of Vesuvius and the fire of Rome.
Reign: AD 361 - AD 363; Major achievements: Attempted to restore paganism as the state religion, known as 'the Apostate' by Christians.
Reign: AD 98 - AD 117; Major achievements: Led the empire to attain its maximum territorial extent, large public building programs including Trajan's Market and Trajan's Forum.
Reign: AD 37 - AD 41; Major achievements: Known for extravagant and eccentric behavior, completed construction of two large aqueducts in Rome.
Reign: AD 69 - AD 79; Major achievements: Initiated construction of the Colosseum, restored stability to the empire after the Year of the Four Emperors.
Reign: AD 286 - AD 305; Major achievements: Co-emperor with Diocletian, suppressed uprisings and rebellions in the empire, father-in-law to Constantius Chlorus.
Reign: AD 117 - AD 138; Major achievements: Constructed Hadrian's Wall in Britain, consolidated and fortified the empire's borders.
Constantine the Great
Reign: AD 306 - AD 337; Major achievements: First Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, rebuilt Byzantium as 'New Rome' (Constantinople), issued the Edict of Milan which granted religious toleration throughout the empire.
Theodosius I
Reign: AD 379 - AD 395; Major achievements: Made Christianity the state religion, last emperor to rule over both the Eastern and Western Roman Empires.
Reign: AD 54 - AD 68; Major achievements: Large-scale construction projects in Rome, notorious for persecution of Christians.
Valentinian III
Reign: AD 425 - AD 455; Major achievements: Attempted to maintain some integrity of the dwindling Western Roman Empire, ruled during the Vandal sack of Rome.
Marcus Aurelius
Reign: AD 161 - AD 180; Major achievements: Last of the Five Good Emperors, wrote the philosophical work 'Meditations', repelled barbarian invasions.
Reign: AD 211 - AD 217; Major achievements: Granted citizenship to all free-born inhabitants of the empire, commissioned the Baths of Caracalla.
Reign: AD 284 - AD 305; Major achievements: Established the Tetrarchy to rule the empire through a system of co-emperors, initiated the last and greatest persecution of the Christians.
Reign: AD 395 - AD 423; Major achievements: Reign marked by the Visigothic sack of Rome, faced invasions by Germanic tribes.
Reign: AD 270- AD 275; Major achievements: Reunited the empire by defeating Palmyra in the East and the Gallic Empire in the West, began the construction of the Aurelian Walls in Rome.
Reign: AD 81 - AD 96; Major achievements: Strengthened the economy, reconstructed the capitol, and expanded defenses.
Reign: AD 180 - AD 192; Major achievements: Known for his eccentricities and acts of self-indulgence, considered the start of the empire’s decline.
Septimius Severus
Reign: AD 193 - AD 211; Major achievements: Strengthened the military, enlarged the Limes Tripolitanus (a desert frontier of the Roman Empire in Africa).
Reign: AD 14 - AD 37; Major achievements: Efficient management of the empire, expansion of the imperial bureaucracy.
Reign: AD 41 - AD 54; Major achievements: Expanded the Roman Empire by annexing several provinces, including Britain, built new roads and aqueducts.
Justinian I
Reign: AD 527 - AD 565; Major achievements: Initiated the ambitious but ultimately incomplete reconquest of the Western Roman Empire, codification of Roman law, construction of the Hagia Sophia.
Reign: 27 BC - AD 14; Major achievements: Established the Pax Romana, initiated an era of relative peace in the Roman Empire.
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