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Sports First Aid Basics
Tooth Avulsion
Find the tooth if possible, rinse root with water if dirty, reinsert tooth into socket, bite down gently on gauze, seek immediate dental care.
Clean the area, use tweezers to grasp and pull out the splinter at the same angle it entered, clean again and apply a bandage.
Move to a cooler place, remove excess clothing, cool body with wet cloths or a bath, hydrate if conscious, seek emergency medical help immediately.
CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
Ensure safety, call for help, check for responsiveness, open airway, perform 30 chest compressions, give 2 rescue breaths, continue until help arrives.
Immobilize the area, support the injury, apply ice, elevate if possible, seek professional help, do not attempt to realign.
Diabetic Emergency (Hypoglycemia)
Provide a quick sugar source, wait 15 minutes, recheck blood sugar, repeat if necessary, seek medical help if there's no improvement.
Exertional Sickling
Stop activity, provide high-flow oxygen if available, hydrate, cool down if overheated, seek immediate medical care.
Abdominal Injury
Keep the person still, bend knees to relieve pressure, avoid eating or drinking, monitor for internal injury signs, seek medical help.
Cool the burn under running water, cover with a sterile bandage, do not apply ointments or break blisters, seek medical attention for serious burns.
Head Injury
Immobilize head and neck, monitor consciousness, check scalp for wounds, do not move if neck injury suspected, seek immediate medical attention.
Eye Injuries
Avoid rubbing the eye, flush with water if there are chemicals, cover both eyes to limit movement, seek medical attention, especially if vision is affected.
Remove from water if safe, begin rescue breathing, perform CPR if no pulse, prevent hypothermia, call emergency services.
Ask if they can speak, perform Heimlich maneuver if they cannot, continue until object is expelled or emergency services arrive.
Insect Stings
Remove stinger by scraping, not tweezing, clean with soap and water, apply ice pack for swelling, monitor for allergic reactions.
Soft Tissue Injuries
Rest the injured area, apply ice to reduce swelling, compress with a bandage, elevate above heart level when possible, seek medical attention if severe.
Spinal Injuries
Immobilize head and neck, do not move the person unless absolutely necessary, keep them still, call emergency services, monitor breathing and consciousness.
Dental Fracture
Locate any tooth fragments, rinse mouth with warm water, apply gauze to any bleeding, use cold compress for pain, save fragments, seek dental care.
Electrical Injuries
Turn off the power source, do not touch the person while still in contact with electricity, call for emergency help, begin CPR if needed.
Lay person down and elevate legs, keep them warm and still, do not give food or drink, reassure the person, seek immediate medical attention.
Ankle Sprain
Rest the ankle, apply ice to reduce swelling, compress with a bandage, elevate the foot, refer to medical professional if severe.
Apply direct pressure with a sterile bandage, clean the cut under water, apply an antibacterial ointment, seek stitches for deep lacerations.
Remove from play, monitor symptoms, seek medical assessment, rest, gradually return to play following medical advice.
Clean and sterilize the area, puncture with a sterilized needle, gently squeeze fluid, apply antibiotic and cover with bandage.
Replace fluids gradually, rest in a cool place, monitor for symptoms of heat-related illnesses, provide water and sports drinks.
Keep the person safe from injury, clear surrounding area, place on side, time the seizure, do not restrain, call emergency help if needed.
Immobilize the joint, support in a comfortable position, apply ice, do not try to force back into place, seek medical assistance.
Stop physical activity, rest in a cool area, hydrate with water or an electrolyte drink, gently stretch if cramping occurs, seek medical attention if necessary.
Muscle Cramps
Stop activity, gently stretch and massage affected muscle, hydrate with water or electrolyte solutions, rest to avoid recurrence.
Asthma Attack
Stay calm, assist in taking prescribed medication (inhaler), encourage slow and deep breaths, sit upright, seek medical attention if no improvement.
Lean forward, pinch the nose, apply ice, maintain pressure for 10 minutes, avoid blowing nose after bleeding stops, seek medical help if bleeding continues.
Heat Exhaustion
Move to a cool place, loosen clothing, apply cool wet cloths, provide water or sports drinks, seek medical attention if symptoms worsen.
Move to warm shelter, remove wet clothing, warm up gradually with blankets and warm beverages, avoid direct heat, call for emergency medical help.
Cut and Scrapes
Clean the wound with water, apply antibiotic cream, cover with a sterile bandage, change bandage daily, watch for signs of infection.
Allergic Reactions
Recognize signs of hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, administer an epinephrine auto-injector if available, call for emergency help.
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