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Powerlifting Essentials
Opening Attempt
The first of three attempts in each lift during a powerlifting competition, typically a weight the lifter can confidently lift without maximal effort.
Powerlifting Belt
A sturdy belt worn by lifters during exercises to provide additional support to the lower back and increase intra-abdominal pressure.
Pause Squat
A squat variation where the lifter pauses at the bottom of the squat for a specified duration before ascending back up.
Training with weights that are heavier than the athlete's competition 1-rep max to increase strength.
A scheduled period of reduced volume or intensity in training, allowing for recovery and adaptation.
Bench Press
An upper-body strength exercise where the lifter lies on a bench and presses a weight upwards from the chest until the arms are extended straight.
Conjugate Method
A training system that involves constantly varying exercises and sets/reps, focusing on different aspects of strength such as speed, maximal effort, and repetition.
Board Press
A bench press variation where boards are placed on the lifter's chest to reduce the range of motion, used to strengthen the lockout portion of the lift.
A weightlifting movement where the lifter pulls a barbell off the ground from a stable, bent-over position, to a standing position with shoulders back.
Raw Lifting
Lifting without the aid of any performance-enhancing gear such as squat suits or bench shirts, only allowing the use of a belt, wrist wraps, and knee sleeves.
Equipped Lifting
Powerlifting with the use of supportive gear such as squat suits, knee wraps, and bench shirts designed to aid in lifting more weight.
Rack Pull
A partial deadlift performed by setting the bar on the safety pins of a power rack at a height below the knees, focusing on the lockout portion of the deadlift.
Sumo Deadlift
A deadlift variation where the feet are set wide apart and hands are placed inside the legs, reducing the range of motion.
A lower-body exercise where the lifter bends at the knees and hips to lower the body as if sitting back into a chair, then stands back up to the starting position.
Wilks Coefficient
A formula used to measure the strength of powerlifters against others based on bodyweight.
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