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End of Life Care Decisions
Medical Power of Attorney
A document that allows an individual to appoint someone else to make health care decisions for them if they are unable to do so.
Spiritual Considerations
Addressing spiritual or religious beliefs and practices that are important to the patient's sense of well-being and comfort at the end of life.
Ethical Will
A non-legal document that expresses a person's values, beliefs, and life lessons to their family and friends, often created at the end of life.
Pain Management
The process of providing medical care that reduces or eliminates the discomfort associated with disease or injury.
End-of-Life Counseling
Professional guidance provided to patients and their families about decisions and care options near the end of life, including discussions about advance directives and hospice care.
Funeral Planning
The process of making arrangements for one's own funeral ahead of time, to ensure wishes are respected and to relieve the burden on loved ones.
Hospice Care
Care designed to provide comfort and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to cure-focused treatments.
Brain Death
A medical and legal determination that a person has permanently lost all brain function and is therefore legally dead.
Death with Dignity Laws
Statutes that allow terminally ill, mentally competent adults to voluntarily request and receive prescription medication to hasten their death.
Life-Sustaining Treatment
Medical procedures that can extend life by supporting vital bodily functions, including dialysis, mechanical ventilation, and artificial nutrition and hydration.
Comfort Care
An approach to treating the terminally ill that prioritizes relieving pain and discomfort rather than attempting to prolong life.
Compassionate Release
A procedure by which prisoners who are terminally ill may be released from incarceration to die outside of prison.
Living Will
A written statement detailing a person's desires regarding their medical treatment in circumstances in which they are no longer able to express informed consent.
Polst Form
Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment: medical order stating what types of life-sustaining treatments a seriously ill patient wants or does not want.
The practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering; can be voluntary, non-voluntary, or involuntary, and is illegal in many jurisdictions.
Terminal Illness
A disease or condition that is incurable and expected to lead to the patient's death, typically within a short time frame.
Artificial Nutrition and Hydration
Medical techniques for delivering nutrition and fluids to a patient who cannot eat or drink normally, including feeding tubes and intravenous fluids.
Advance Directives
Legal documents expressing a person's wishes regarding critical care when they are unable to communicate.
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Orders
A request not to have CPR if a person's heart stops or if they stop breathing.
Physician-Assisted Suicide
Occurs when a physician provides a patient with the means to take their own life, often through a prescription for a lethal dose of medication.
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