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Geriatric Depression Scale
Card 4: What is considered a normal score on the GDS short form?
Scoring system: A score of 0-5 is normal. Interpretation: If a person scores between 0 to 5 on the short form of the GDS, it typically suggests the absence of depression.
Card 8: What is the significance of 'Yes' and 'No' answers in the GDS?
Scoring system: Not applicable. Interpretation: In the GDS, 'Yes' and 'No' answers are significant as they represent the presence or absence of depressive symptoms. Each answer is assigned a value for scoring purposes.
Card 9: Why might the GDS be preferred over other depression scales for older adults?
Scoring system: Not applicable. Interpretation: The GDS might be preferred due to its simplicity, ease of use, yes/no format, shorter completion time, and sensitivity to the cognitive changes often present in older adults.
Card 15: Is the GDS sensitive to changes over time in a patient's depressive symptoms?
Scoring system: Not applicable. Interpretation: Yes, the GDS can be used to monitor changes in depressive symptoms over time, making it useful for evaluating the effectiveness of interventions or the progression of symptoms.
Card 2: How many items are there in the short form of the Geriatric Depression Scale?
Scoring system: Not applicable. Interpretation: The short form of the Geriatric Depression Scale contains 15 items.
Card 5: At what score range on the GDS short form should a comprehensive assessment for depression be considered?
Scoring system: Scores ranging from 6-10. Interpretation: A score within this range indicates mild depression and suggests that a more thorough assessment for depression might be warranted.
Card 10: How is a 'Yes' answer typically scored on the GDS?
Scoring system: Most 'Yes' answers are scored as 1, but some items are reverse scored. Interpretation: Yes answers usually indicate depressive symptoms, but depending on the question, it may need to be reverse scored.
Card 6: What is a possible indication of severe depression based on the GDS short form score?
Scoring system: Scores above 10. Interpretation: Scores higher than 10 on the GDS short form may indicate severe depression, suggesting that immediate clinical attention is necessary.
Card 7: What format is the long form of the Geriatric Depression Scale?
Scoring system: Not applicable. Interpretation: The long form of the GDS consists of 30 items, offering a more comprehensive assessment of depression in older adults.
Card 3: Which type of responses does the GDS utilize for its questions?
Scoring system: Not applicable. Interpretation: The GDS uses yes/no responses for its questions, which simplifies the answering process for older adults.
Card 11: Can the GDS be used to diagnose depression?
Scoring system: Not applicable. Interpretation: The GDS is not a diagnostic tool. It is a screening instrument that requires follow-up by a healthcare professional for a formal diagnosis.
Card 13: What kind of setting is the GDS most appropriately used in?
Scoring system: Not applicable. Interpretation: The GDS is appropriately used in a wide range of settings including outpatient clinics, nursing homes, and community settings, due to its simple format and applicability to various levels of cognitive functioning.
Card 14: How is the GDS administered?
Scoring system: Not applicable. Interpretation: The GDS can be self-administered or conducted through an interview by a healthcare professional, making it versatile in its administration.
Card 12: What does a 'No' answer represent on the GDS?
Scoring system: 'No' answers are usually scored as 0, indicating the absence of a depressive symptom, but some questions might be reverse scored. Interpretation: Typically, 'No' represents the absence of the symptom addressed by the question.
Card 1: What is the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) used for?
Scoring system: Not applicable. Interpretation: The GDS is used to screen for depression in older adults. It is a self-report assessment used to identify depression symptoms and assess their severity.
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