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Motor System Pathways
Tectospinal Tract
Origin: Superior colliculus of the midbrain, Target muscles: Neck muscles, Function: Mediates reflexive head movements in response to visual stimuli
Reticulospinal Tract
Origin: Reticular formation in the brainstem, Target muscles: Muscles of the trunk and proximal limbs, Function: Modulates voluntary and reflexive motor activity
Vestibulospinal Tract
Origin: Vestibular nuclei in the brainstem, Target muscles: Limb extensor muscles and muscles of the trunk, Function: Maintains posture and balance
Corticospinal Tract
Origin: Primary motor cortex, Target muscles: Limb and trunk muscles, Function: Voluntary motor control
Spinothalamic Tract
Origin: Spinal cord, Target muscles: Not a direct motor pathway but involved in alerting and directing attention to sensory stimuli, Function: Pain and temperature sensation transmission
Rubrospinal Tract
Origin: Red nucleus in the midbrain, Target muscles: Limb flexor muscles, Function: Assists in motor coordination and control
Lateral Corticospinal Tract
Origin: Primary motor cortex, Target muscles: Muscles responsible for fine movements, particularly in the hands and fingers, Function: Fine motor control of the distal limbs
Corticobulbar Tract
Origin: Primary motor cortex, Target muscles: Muscles of the face, head, and neck, Function: Control of voluntary facial expressions and movements, swallowing, and speech
Olivocerebellar Tract
Origin: Inferior olivary nucleus, Target muscles: Not directly linked to specific muscles, Function: Modulation of cerebellar processing for coordination and learning of movements
Anterior Corticospinal Tract
Origin: Primary motor cortex, Target muscles: Trunk and proximal limb muscles, Function: Control of axial and proximal limb muscles
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