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School Psychology Theorists
Stanley Hall
Founder of child psychology and educational psychology; established the first psychology laboratory in the U.S.; focused on childhood development and evolutionary theory.
Alfred Binet
Created the first practical IQ test, the Binet-Simon test; worked on measuring children's intellectual development to identify those needing special education.
Edward Thorndike
Formulated the Law of Effect; worked on Trial-and-Error Theory of learning; contributed to connectionism and behaviorism.
Howard Gardner
Developed Theory of Multiple Intelligences; proposed that intelligence is not a single ability but a combination of several skills and talents.
Lev Vygotsky
Developed the Sociocultural Theory of cognitive development; Zone of Proximal Development; emphasized the role of social interaction in learning.
Jean Piaget
Proposed the Theory of Cognitive Development; identified four stages of child development; studied the nature of children's understanding.
Urie Bronfenbrenner
Developed the Ecological Systems Theory; examined the influence of different environmental systems on children's development.
B.F. Skinner
Pioneered the theory of Behaviorism; Operant Conditioning; invented the Skinner box for experimental research.
Carol Dweck
Known for her work on the Mindset Theory; distinguishes between fixed and growth mindsets; discussed how people's beliefs about intelligence affect motivation and learning.
Robert J. Havighurst
Identified specific developmental tasks that he believed children must master to develop normally; emphasized the importance of social influences on child development.
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