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Ethnic Studies Scholars
Edward Said
Works: Orientalism, Culture and Imperialism; Theories: Orientalism, critique of Western views on the East; Contributions: Founding figure in post-colonial studies, Influential in literary criticism.
Gloria E. Anzaldúa
Works: Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza; Theories: Mestiza consciousness, Queer theory; Contributions: Development of Chicana feminist thought, Pioneered intersectional theorizing.
Audre Lorde
Works: Sister Outsider, Zami: A New Spelling of My Name; Theories: Intersectionality, critique of silence; Contributions: Advocated for the civil rights of women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ communities, Influential poet and author.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Works: Can the Subaltern Speak?, A Critique of Postcolonial Reason; Theories: Subaltern studies, deconstruction; Contributions: Exploration of the space of the subaltern, Major figure in postcolonial theory.
Chela Sandoval
Works: Methodology of the Oppressed; Theories: Differential consciousness, decolonial feminism; Contributions: Influential in Chicana feminism and postcolonial theory, Advocated methodological strategies for empowerment.
Aníbal Quijano
Works: Coloniality of Power, Eurocentrism, and Latin America; Theories: Coloniality of power, decoloniality; Contributions: Critical development of the concept of the 'coloniality of power', Influenced Latin American sociology.
Angela Y. Davis
Works: Women, Race, & Class, Are Prisons Obsolete?; Theories: Prison-industrial complex, racial justice; Contributions: Advocate for prison reform, Feminist scholar and civil rights activist.
Stuart Hall
Works: Encoding/Decoding, Policing the Crisis; Theories: Cultural studies, Reception theory; Contributions: Founder of New Left Review, Central figure in British cultural studies.
bell hooks
Works: Ain't I a Woman?, Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center; Theories: Intersectionality, feminist critique; Contributions: Influential in gender and cultural criticism, Emphasized the importance of media literacy.
Patricia Hill Collins
Works: Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment; Theories: Black feminist epistemology, Intersectionality; Contributions: Expanding feminism to include race and class, Influential in sociological thought on race and gender.
Richard Delgado
Works: Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge; Theories: Critical race theory, storytelling and counter storytelling; Contributions: Co-founder of critical race theory, Explored racism in legal contexts.
Raymond Williams
Works: Culture and Society, Marxism and Literature; Theories: Cultural materialism, cultural studies; Contributions: Influential in establishing cultural studies, Analyzed the relationship between culture and society.
W.E.B. Du Bois
Works: The Souls of Black Folk, Black Reconstruction in America; Theories: Double Consciousness; Contributions: Co-founder of NAACP, Pioneering African-American social science.
Frantz Fanon
Works: The Wretched of the Earth, Black Skin, White Masks; Theories: Decolonization, Post-colonial studies; Contributions: Analysis of the psyche of colonized peoples, Influenced liberation movements worldwide.
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
Works: Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color; Theories: Intersectionality; Contributions: Coined the term 'intersectionality', Influential in critical race theory and feminist legal studies.
Homi K. Bhabha
Works: The Location of Culture; Theories: Hybridity, mimicry, ambivalence in postcolonial contexts; Contributions: Theorizing the postcolonial identity, Contributed largely to postcolonial criticism.
Cornel West
Works: Race Matters, Democracy Matters; Theories: Prophetic pragmatism, critique of American society; Contributions: Influential public intellectual, Explored race relations and social issues in American life.
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
Works: Racism Without Racists; Theories: Color-blind racism, racialized social systems; Contributions: Critical analysis of 'post-racial' societies, Important figure in sociology and ethnic studies.
Vine Deloria Jr.
Works: Custer Died for Your Sins, God Is Red; Theories: Native American rights, critique of Western historiography; Contributions: Influential in Native American studies, Advocated for sovereignty and legal rights.
Henry Louis Gates Jr.
Works: The Signifying Monkey, Figures in Black; Theories: Signifying, African-American literary criticism; Contributions: Director of the Hutchins Center for African and African-American Research, Pioneered scholarly research in African-American studies.
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