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Mars Exploration Programs
Mars 2020 (Perseverance Rover)
Agency: NASA, Goals: Search for signs of past microbial life on Mars, collect and cache Martian rocks and soil, test oxygen production for future human missions. Achievements: Historic landing in Jezero Crater, launched the first helicopter flight on another planet with its Ingenuity helicopter, and begun collecting samples for potential return to Earth.
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
Agency: NASA, Goals: Conduct reconnaissance and exploration of Mars from orbit, provide high-resolution images of the surface, study Martian atmosphere and weather. Achievements: Identified potential landing sites for future missions, discovered evidence of subsurface water ice, and monitors Martian weather.
InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport)
Agency: NASA, Goals: Understand Martian interior structure, elucidate processes that shaped the rocky planets of the inner solar system. Achievements: First mission to study Mars' deep interior, provided data on Mars' seismic activity, and has a self-hammering probe to measure heat flow.
Mars Express
Agency: European Space Agency (ESA), Goals: Search for water and subsurface ice on Mars, study the Martian atmosphere and climate. Achievements: Found evidence of water ice on the Martian poles, mapped the chemical composition of the atmosphere and surface.
Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity Rover)
Agency: NASA, Goals: Explore Gale Crater as a potential habitat for life, study Martian climate and geology, plan for a human mission to Mars. Achievements: Discovered conditions suitable for life in ancient past, performed first drilling into Martian rock, and ongoing analysis of Martian geology.
ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter
Agency: Joint mission by ESA and Roscosmos, Goals: Map the sources of methane and other trace gases on Mars that may be evidence for possible biological or geological activity. Achievements: Delivered the Schiaparelli EDM lander, creating the first phase of the ExoMars programme, and began mapping the sources of trace gases.
Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN)
Agency: NASA, Goals: Study the Martian atmosphere to understand how it has been lost to space, giving insight into the planet's climate history. Achievements: Determined how fast Mars is currently losing its atmosphere and investigated connections to its changing climate.
Mars Pathfinder (Sojourner Rover)
Agency: NASA, Goals: Demonstrate the feasibility of low-cost landings on and exploration of the Martian surface. Achievements: First successful rover mission to Mars, returned a wealth of information about the Martian environment.
Mars Exploration Rovers (Spirit and Opportunity)
Agency: NASA, Goals: Search for and characterize a wide range of rocks and soils that hold clues to past water activity on Mars. Achievements: Found evidence of past water on Mars, Opportunity exceeded its planned 90-day mission by operating over 14 years, and Spirit discovered silica deposits.
Phoenix Mars Lander
Agency: NASA, Goals: Study the history of water and search for microenvironments that could support microbial life. Achievements: Confirmed the presence of water-ice in the Martian subsurface and provided important data on Martian soil chemistry and atmosphere.
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