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Material Science Pioneers
Marie Curie
Radioactivity discovery, advances in X-ray technology
Stephanie Kwolek
Invention of Kevlar
M. Stanley Whittingham
Development of the lithium-ion battery
Gordon Moore
Co-founder of Intel and Moore's Law
Roscoe G. Dickinson
Introduction of X-ray crystallography to America
Robert H. Wentorf Jr.
Synthesis of cubic boron nitride and diamond
William D. Coolidge
Development of ductile tungsten and the X-ray tube
Katherine Burr Blodgett
Invention of non-reflecting or 'invisible' glass
Herbert Kroemer
Pioneer in the field of semiconductor heterostructures
Howard Hughes
Advances in aviation technology, development of the H-4 Hercules
Norman Borlaug
Improvement of agricultural practices and wheat production
Alfred Nobel
Invention of dynamite and other explosives
Charles Martin Hall
Development of the process for extracting aluminum from ore
William Shockley
Co-inventor of the transistor, research on semiconductors
Harry Brearley
Discovery of stainless steel
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