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Famous Climatologists
Wladimir Köppen
Developed the Köppen climate classification system, which is based on temperature and precipitation to delineate various climate zones.
Guy Stewart Callendar
Notably advanced the Callendar effect, which describes the role of increased carbon dioxide levels in enhancing the Earth's greenhouse effect leading to global warming.
Charles David Keeling
Is famous for his meticulous work on the Keeling Curve, a long-term record of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.
Syukuro Manabe
Pioneered the use of computers to simulate global climate change and natural climate variations.
Milutin Milankovitch
Known for developing the Milankovitch cycles which explain how variations in the Earth’s orbit and tilt impact climate over periods of tens of thousands of years.
James Hansen
First to raise awareness about global warming in his 1988 U.S. Senate testimony, and he has contributed significantly to the field with his climate models.
Valerie Masson-Delmotte
Co-chaired Working Group I of the IPCC, which assesses the physical science basis of climate change.
John Tyndall
Was the first to recognize the Earth’s natural greenhouse effect and attributed it to water vapor and carbon dioxide.
Rajendra K. Pachauri
Former chairman of the IPCC, led the organization when it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for its efforts to build up and disseminate knowledge about climate change.
Inez Fung
A leading expert in climate modeling, particularly the interactions between climate change and biogeochemical cycles.
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