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GIS Basics
Geographic Information System—a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data.
Raster data
A type of data represented as a grid of pixels or cells, used in GIS to represent spatially continuous phenomena.
Vector data
A type of data that represents geographic features as points, lines, and polygons, used in GIS for discrete features like roads or political boundaries.
Attribute Table
A table that stores information about spatial features in a GIS dataset, with each row representing a feature and each column a characteristic of that feature.
The process of aligning spatial data to a known coordinate system so that it can be viewed, queried, and analyzed with other geographic data.
Remote Sensing
The acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object, typically through satellite or aerial imagery.
A method by which the curved surface of the Earth is represented on a flat map, which involves transforming and scaling geographic coordinates onto a plane.
Spatial Analysis
The process of examining locations, attributes, and relationships of features in spatial data through overlay or other analytical techniques in GIS.
A zone around a map feature measured in units of distance or time, used in GIS to denote an area of influence or to highlight proximity.
Coordinate System
A standardized method for referencing points on the Earth's surface, including geographic (latitude and longitude) and projected (planar) coordinate systems.
Digital Elevation Model—a representation of the Earth's surface's terrain or topography in a digital format.
The spatial relationships between adjacent or neighbouring features in a GIS, like connectivity and adjacency, which are not affected by their shape.
The ratio between the distance on a map and the actual distance on the ground, which can be expressed verbally, graphically, or as a fraction.
The process of converting addresses into geographic coordinates to place them on a map, allowing for spatial data analysis of the addresses.
GIS operations that superimpose multiple layers of data to combine, intersect, or analyze their interactions and relationships spatially.
Spatial Resolution
The measure of the smallest object that can be resolved by a sensor or the detail with which a map depicts the location and shape of geographic features.
Thematic Map
A type of map specifically designed to show a particular theme or thematic variable in a geographic area, like population density or climatic conditions.
GIS Modelling
The process of creating a mathematical representation of a complex real-world system within GIS to predict and analyze outcomes under different scenarios.
Data Capture
The process of collecting information about physical features and their attributes from the real world to be used in a GIS.
Zonal Statistics
GIS analysis that calculates statistics on values of a raster within the zones of another dataset, typically to summarize data like elevation or land use.
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