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Democracy Theorists
Alexis de Tocqueville
Analyzed the democratic revolution happening in the world in 'Democracy in America'; Warned about 'tyranny of the majority'; Advocated for civil society as a counterbalance to state power.
John Locke
Father of Liberalism; Views on the social contract argued for the protection of life, liberty, and property; His thoughts influenced the development of democratic governance, particularly the U.S. Constitution.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Developed concepts of general will and popular sovereignty in 'The Social Contract'; Believed society should be ruled by the 'general will' of its members; Argued that private property creates social inequality and should be managed by the state.
Baron de Montesquieu
Popularized the theory of separation of powers in 'The Spirit of the Laws'; Proposed dividing government into three branches to prevent tyranny; Emphasized the importance of checks and balances in a democratic system.
James Madison
Co-authored 'The Federalist Papers' supporting the ratification of the U.S. Constitution; Advocated for a large republic to prevent tyranny; Emphasized the need for checks and balances and federalism.
Robert Dahl
Developed the concept of polyarchy in his work 'Democracy and Its Critics'; Emphasized the importance of pluralism and opposition in a healthy democracy; Critiqued the ideal of direct democracy by proposing democratic procedures.
Discussed various forms of government, including democracy, in his book 'Politics'; Viewed democracy as the rule of the many for the common benefit; Distinguished between 'good' and 'bad' forms of government, including between 'true' democracies and 'demagogies'.
Thomas Hobbes
Advocated for the absolute sovereignty of a monarch as the only solution to preventing the state of nature, in 'Leviathan'; Although not supportive of democracy, Hobbes' social contract laid the groundwork for later democratic theories.
John Stuart Mill
Prominent advocate of utilitarianism and liberal democracy in his work 'On Liberty'; Argued for the harm principle and freedom of expression; Believed in representative democracy and advocated for women’s suffrage.
Thomas Jefferson
Principal author of the Declaration of Independence; Promoted ideas of democracy, individual rights, and education for all; Advocated for a smaller government and the protection of civil liberties.
Karl Marx
His critique of capitalism in 'The Communist Manifesto' and 'Das Kapital' laid the foundation for Marxist theory; Advocated for the proletariat’s rule as a form of true democracy after the overthrow of bourgeoisie; His theories lead to the idea of dictatorship of the proletariat.
Niccolò Machiavelli
In 'The Prince', he discussed the pragmatic and sometimes unscrupulous aspects of political rule; Machiavelli's work is often seen as antithetical to democratic ideals, but he also wrote favorably of republican governance in 'Discourses on Livy'.
Jürgen Habermas
Proposed the concept of the public sphere and deliberative democracy in 'The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere'; Advocates for rational public debate and communicative action in democratic societies.
Benjamin Constant
Distinguished between the 'liberty of the ancients' versus the 'liberty of the moderns' in his essay 'The Liberty of Ancients Compared with that of Moderns'; Advocated for constitutional monarchy and representative democracy as the preferable modern form.
Hannah Arendt
Discussed the origins of totalitarianism and the decline of the public realm in modern society in her work 'The Human Condition'; Distinguished between the social, the public, and the private realms; Emphasized the importance of active participation in public life for a healthy democracy.
Charles Tilly
Notable for his work on the relationship between the development of the state and warfare in European history; Explored the social movements and collective action; His work has implications for understanding the development of democratic governance.
Carole Pateman
In 'The Sexual Contract' and 'Participation and Democratic Theory', she argued that modern democracy is partially constituted by the subordination of women; Advocated for participatory democracy and examined the relationship between feminism and democracy.
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