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Psychological Measurement Scales
Guttman Scale
A cumulative scale where items are arranged hierarchically, determining the intensity of a given variable; used when each item implies the endorsement of all lower items.
Ratio Scale
Possesses all interval scale properties, with a true zero point; enables a full range of statistical operations; used when the data can be ordered, have equal intervals, and have a meaningful zero point.
Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
Scale used for measuring subjective characteristics or attitudes that cannot be directly measured; involves marking a point along a line between two end-points.
Ordinal Scale
Ranks data; can denote order of items but not the difference between them; used when categorizing variables that have a natural order.
Likert Scale
A type of ordinal scale especially used in surveys to measure degrees of opinion or attitudes; consists of a series of statements with which respondents indicate agreement or disagreement.
Nominal Scale
Categorizes data without a numerical value; used for labeling variables without a quantitative value.
Thurstone Scale
A type of ordinal scale where statements are graded by judges and assigned numerical values; used to measure attitudes by calculating the mean or median score of responses.
Interval Scale
Numerical scale where intervals between numbers are consistent, but there is no true zero; used for variables that have order and a fixed measurement scale.
Semantic Differential Scale
An interval scale used for measuring the meaning people ascribe to concepts or events, where respondents rate any concept on a series of bipolar adjectives.
Mokken Scale
A non-parametric form of the Guttman scale that allows for some errors or violations of the hierarchy; used in the creation of unidimensional scales for ordinal items.
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