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Shrimp Farming Techniques
Supplementary Feeding
Providing additional nutrients to the shrimp through formulated feeds to ensure they get a balanced diet. Necessary to enhance growth rates and feed conversion ratios, leading to higher yields.
Molting Management
Monitoring and assisting the natural process by which shrimp shed their exoskeletons to grow. Crucial because improper molting can lead to health issues and lower survival rates.
Sediment Removal
Regular cleaning of the pond bottom to remove waste, excess feed, and harmful gases. It is key for maintaining water quality and preventing the buildup of substances that could be detrimental to shrimp health.
Artificial Reef Installation
Creating structures within shrimp ponds to provide shelter for shrimp, which can reduce stress and improve survival rates. Important for mimicking a natural environment and enhancing stock well-being.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Utilizing a combination of biological, chemical, and physical methods to control pests and predators in shrimp farming. It's critical for reducing losses due to predation while minimizing environmental impact.
Water Quality Monitoring
Regular testing and adjusting of the water parameters such as pH, temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen to maintain a healthy environment for the shrimp. It's crucial for preventing disease and promoting shrimp growth.
Biofloc Technology
A sustainable shrimp farming technique that recycles waste products by converting them into food with the help of beneficial bacteria and microorganisms. It's important because it reduces the need for water exchange and improves water quality.
Disease Management
Implementing proactive measures such as quarantine, pond disinfection, and use of disease-resistant shrimp species to prevent outbreaks. Important to ensure the health and viability of the shrimp crop.
Raising shrimp alongside other compatible aquatic species, such as fish or crabs, to optimize pond space and reduce risks of disease. It's important as it promotes biodiversity and can lead to more stable and productive farming systems.
Probiotics Use
Application of beneficial bacteria to shrimp ponds to improve gut health and enhance the immune system of the shrimp. Important for disease prevention and overall health of the shrimp stock.
Pond Aeration
Increasing the level of oxygen in the water through mechanical means, like aerators or paddle wheels. This is key for maintaining adequate dissolved oxygen levels, which is essential for shrimp survival and growth.
Natural Plankton Development
Encouraging the growth of both phytoplankton and zooplankton in ponds, which can serve as a natural food source for shrimp. Essential for creating a balanced ecosystem and reducing feed costs.
Pond Lining
Using materials like plastic or geo-membrane to line ponds in order to reduce seepage, maintain water quality, and make pond cleaning easier. Vital for improving efficiency and biosecurity in shrimp farming.
Selective Breeding
Choosing specific shrimp for reproduction based on desirable traits such as growth rate, disease resistance, and survival rates. It is important to improve stock quality and farm productivity over time.
Stocking Density Control
Determining the number of shrimp per unit area or volume of water to avoid overpopulation and maintain a sustainable environment. It is important to prevent stress, disease spread, and to ensure proper growth.
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