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3D Rendering Techniques
A technique that subdivides surface polygons to increase detail and allow for smooth curvature at runtime, often used in GPU shaders.
Phong Shading
An improvement over Gouraud Shading that interpolates surface normals for more accurate reflection modeling and smoother shading.
A method to determine which objects or parts of objects are visible in a scene using a depth buffer to track pixel depth.
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
A real-time rendering technique for approximating the soft shadowing effect of ambient occlusion using screen space data.
Volume Rendering
A technique for displaying three-dimensional data without converting it to a surface representation, used extensively in medical imaging and scientific visualization.
Path Tracing
An extension of ray tracing that simulates light paths at a pixel level for global illumination effects, typically used in non-real-time rendering due to its computational intensity.
Blinn-Phong Shading
A modification of Phong Shading which uses a halfway vector between the view and light directions, often applied to approximate specular highlights more efficiently.
Deferred Shading
A technique where multiple render passes are used to separate shading calculations from geometry, allowing for complex lighting with many light sources.
A process that converts 3D vectors into pixels on a 2D screen, used in most real-time rendering like video games.
Gouraud Shading
An algorithm that interpolates vertex normals to compute a smooth color gradient across the surface, providing a faceted feel to rendering.
Displacement Mapping
A technique that modifies the actual geometry of surfaces using a texture map to create more pronounced three-dimensional detail.
Calculates the transfer of diffuse light between surfaces in an environment, often used to simulate soft, indirect lighting in static scenes.
Bump Mapping
A technique that simulates surface detail without additional geometry by perturbing surface normals using a texture map.
Photon Mapping
A two-pass global illumination algorithm that traces the path of light through the scene and stores the results in a photon map for rendering complex light interactions.
Ray Tracing
Simulates rays of light to produce realistic images, calculating reflections, refractions, and shadows, often used for high-quality CG in films.
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