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Computer Graphics Algorithms
Bresenham's Line Algorithm
An algorithm for drawing lines on discrete spaces such as pixel grid. It is commonly used in computer graphics for drawing line primitives.
Gouraud Shading
A shading technique that interpolates vertex colors across the surfaces of polygons, which are computed at each vertex as the vertex's normal.
Ray Casting
A rendering method that computes the path of rays from an eye point, often used for rendering scenes in 3D Computer Graphics.
Scanline Fill Algorithm
An algorithm used to fill polygons in raster graphics by determining which pixels within the boundaries should be colored.
Flood Fill Algorithm
An algorithm that fills a connected region with a single color, similar to the bucket fill tool in paint programs.
Bezier Curve Algorithm
A parametric curve algorithm used mainly for modeling smooth curves that can be scaled indefinitely.
Deferred Shading
A screen-space rendering technique that decouples scene geometry from lighting calculations, deferring the computation of lighting until after the geometry pass.
A technique used in rasterization algorithms for hidden surface removal, storing depth values to resolve what geometry is visible.
Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping
An algorithm that determines the parts of a line that are within a certain viewing region, and efficiently excludes the rest.
Octree Partitioning
A spatial data structure used for partitioning a 3D space by recursively subdividing it into eight octants, which optimizes rendering by decreasing the number of calculations needed for objects not in view.
Midpoint Circle Algorithm
An algorithm used to determine the points needed for rasterizing a circle. It is frequently used in graphics systems for drawing circles and curves.
Fractal Generation Algorithms
Algorithms used to generate self-similar patterns at every scale, helpful in creating naturally-occurring patterns in computer graphics.
Bump Mapping
A technique in computer graphics for simulating bumps and wrinkles on the surface of an object without increasing the number of polygons.
Shadow Mapping
A technique used to efficiently approximate shadows in 3D computer graphics by using a depth texture from the light's viewpoint.
Texture Mapping
A method for adding detail, surface texture, or color to a computer-generated graphic or 3D model.
A global illumination algorithm that simulates the diffuse transfer of light by solving the rendering equation for surfaces in the scene.
Monte Carlo Ray Tracing
A global illumination method that uses probabilistic sampling to approximate the rendering equation for realistic light transport.
Phong Shading
A shading technique that interpolates surface normals across polygons and computes pixel colors based on the interpolated normals and a lighting model.
The process of subdividing a surface into smaller polygons to increase the level of detail available in a 3D mesh.
Blinn-Phong Shading Model
An improvement over the Phong shading model that defines the way light reflects on surfaces, providing a more computationally efficient approach to specular highlight calculation.
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