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Cruelty-free Egg Production
Refers to a farming method where poultry is allowed to roam freely outdoors, instead of being confined in an enclosure. Free-range practices can reduce stress and injury in hens, thereby contributing to cruelty-free egg production.
Indicates that hens are not kept in battery cages, allowing more freedom of movement. They live in open barns with unlimited access to food and water, which aligns with cruelty-free standards by promoting natural behaviors.
Organic Egg Production
Egg production from hens fed an organic diet without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or GMOs, and with access to the outdoors. Organic standards also typically include animal welfare considerations, contributing to cruelty-free practices.
Hens are given significant space on pasture, which can exceed free-range requirements. This method supports a hen's health and wellbeing, reducing the likelihood of abusive practices. Eggs from pasture-raised hens are often considered higher in quality.
Pecking Order
A social hierarchy among hens determining their access to resources like food and nesting spaces. In a cruelty-free environment, pecking order is managed to reduce stress and injuries caused by aggressive behaviors.
The natural process of feather loss and regrowth in hens. Forced molting through starvation is inhumane, but cruelty-free practices allow molting to occur naturally without intervention, promoting hen welfare.
Beak Trimming
A controversial practice used to prevent harmful pecking behaviors among poultry. In a cruelty-free context, beak trimming, if practiced, is done safely and humanely to minimize pain and stress to the hens.
Ethical Egg Production
A method of egg production which prioritizes the health, well-being, and humane treatment of hens throughout their life cycle, often verified by third-party certifications.
The process by which a hen sits on eggs to incubate them. In cruelty-free farming, brooding is either allowed to occur naturally or discontinued humanely without causing distress or harm to the hens.
Laying Hen
A female chicken that is kept specifically for egg production. Cruelty-free operations ensure these hens have adequate space, nutrition, and care to promote their health and longevity.
Flock Size
The number of hens kept together in one group. Smaller flock sizes can improve the welfare of hens in cruelty-free practices by reducing stress and allowing for better monitoring.
Humane Slaughter
The process of killing animals for food in a way that minimizes pain and distress. In cruelty-free egg production, this pertains to the end of laying hens' lives, ensuring a painless and respectful procedure.
Vegetarian Fed
Denotes a diet for hens that does not include meat or fish byproducts. In cruelty-free egg production, this ensures the feed does not come from the inhumane treatment of other animals.
Enriched Environment
Farm environments enhanced with features such as perches, dust baths, and nest boxes to promote natural behaviors and improve the welfare of hens in cruelty-free egg production.
Third-Party Certification
A verification system by an independent organization that can ensure an egg producer's compliance with cruelty-free and humane standards, such as Certified Humane or Animal Welfare Approved.
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