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Critical Theory Cornerstones
Theodor W. Adorno
German philosopher and sociologist who critiqued the culture industry, arguing it promotes domination. He jointly authored 'Dialectic of Enlightenment' and insisted on the importance of negative dialectics.
Max Horkheimer
Co-authored 'Dialectic of Enlightenment' with Adorno. Developed critical theory's traditional goal of critiquing and changing society, emphasizing the importance of an interdisciplinary approach.
Instrumental Reason
Critiqued by Horkheimer as a form of rationality that is focused purely on efficiency and control, overlooking moral and ethical considerations.
Herbert Marcuse
One of the Frankfurt School members who analyzed the ways in which industrial society oppresses individuals. His book 'One-Dimensional Man' critiques advanced industrial society for eliminating the potential for critical thought.
Jürgen Habermas
Developed the theory of communicative action to emphasize rationality based on dialogue which contrasts with instrumental reason. His work focuses on the public sphere and democracy.
Dialectic of Enlightenment
A seminal text by Horkheimer and Adorno that introduces the concept of the 'culture industry' and discusses how Enlightenment rationality can devolve into totalitarianism.
Critical Pedagogy
Paulo Freire's educational theory that emphasizes education as a tool for critical consciousness and social change. His book 'Pedagogy of the Oppressed' is central to this idea.
Walter Benjamin
A cultural critic and philosopher who is best known for his work on aesthetics and his concept of the 'aura' in 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction'.
Consumer Culture
Critiqued in critical theory as a form of social domination and as a result of the culture industry that manipulates mass society into passivity.
Identity Thinking
Criticized by Adorno as the thought process that categorizes and systematizes objects which leads to domination and a loss of uniqueness and individuality.
Negative Dialectics
Adorno's methodological approach that attempts to liberate dialectical thought from affirmative traits found in traditional positivist or idealist dialectics, promoting critique over synthesis.
Repressive Tolerance
Term proposed by Marcuse to describe a form of tolerance which serves to perpetuate injustice, arguing that tolerance for a wide range of ideologies actually hinders marginalized groups from emancipation.
False Consciousness
A concept derived from Marxist theory that implies the proletariat's inability to see their true exploitation due to the systemic and ideological manipulation by the ruling class.
Critical Theory
A philosophical approach developed by the Frankfurt School that seeks to understand and transform society by analyzing its structures and the ways they perpetuate oppression and domination.
A key concept in critical theory which refers to the process by which theoretical knowledge is applied to practical action to bring about social change.
Public Sphere
Habermas's concept where private individuals come together to discuss matters of public interest and concern in order to influence political action, critical for a healthy democracy.
Culture Industry
A term coined by Adorno and Horkheimer to describe mass-produced culture and the commercialization of culture under capitalism, resulting in a passifying effect on the populace.
Axel Honneth
A contemporary critical theorist known for his work on social recognition and the moral grammar of social conflicts. He argues that misrecognition can be a source of social struggle.
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