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Famous Metaphysicians
Theory of Forms, belief in an abstract world of perfect forms or ideas distinct from the physical world.
Substance theory, Four causes, Potentiality and actuality.
Immanuel Kant
Transcendental idealism, space and time as forms of intuition, things-in-themselves (noumena).
René Descartes
Cartesian dualism, existence of the material world and the non-material mind.
David Hume
Empiricism, skepticism about metaphysical concepts like causality and self.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Absolute idealism, reality is the manifestation of the absolute, dialectical method.
Thomas Aquinas
Integration of Aristotelian philosophy with Christian theology, existence of God as the 'Unmoved Mover'.
Baruch Spinoza
Monism, ethical philosophy, 'God or Nature' (Deus sive Natura), as the single substance of reality.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Monadology, theory of pre-established harmony, metaphysics of simple substances.
John Locke
Tabula rasa, empiricism, theory of knowledge based on experience.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Philosophical pessimism, will as the fundamental reality, representation as the world as we perceive it.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Perspectivism, criticism of traditional metaphysical concepts, 'Will to Power'.
Søren Kierkegaard
Existentialism, subjectivity as truth, leap of faith in the face of absurdity.
Martin Heidegger
Phenomenology, ontology and the question of Being, Dasein.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Language philosophy, limits of language define the limits of the world, later the concept of 'language games'.
Jean-Paul Sartre
Existentialism, existence precedes essence, radical freedom and responsibility of the individual.
Simone de Beauvoir
Existentialism, feminism, ethics of ambiguity, liberation from societal expectations.
Gilles Deleuze
Philosophy of difference, ontology of becoming and multiplicity, rhizomatic thinking.
Karl Popper
Philosophy of science, falsification as a demarcation criterion for science, critique of historicism.
Alfred North Whitehead
Process philosophy, actual entities as the fundamental units of reality, philosophy of organism.
G.W.F. Hegel
Concept of Geist (Spirit), world history as the progress of consciousness, absolute knowing through dialectics.
Bertrand Russell
Analytic philosophy, logical atomism, theories of descriptions and logical types.
Henri Bergson
Philosophy of time and consciousness, élan vital as the creative force of life, critique of mechanistic determinism.
Edmund Husserl
Founder of phenomenology, intentionality, emphasis on the lived experience and consciousness.
Thales of Miletus
Primordial substance as water, nature has inherent order, significance of change and permanence.
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