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Behavior Change Theories and Models
Health Locus of Control
Key Concepts: Internal locus of control, External locus of control, Chance locus of control; Stages: Not a stage model, refers to the extent individuals believe they can control events affecting their health.
Dual-Process Models
Key Concepts: Type 1 processing (automatic, heuristic-based, intuitive), Type 2 processing (controlled, systematic, analytical); Stages: Not stage models but frameworks for understanding two modes of information processing.
Self-Determination Theory
Key Concepts: Competence, Relatedness, Autonomy; Stages: Not a stage model, focuses on the degree that an individual's behavior is self-motivated and self-determined.
Precaution Adoption Process Model
Key Concepts: Unaware of issue, Unengaged by issue, Deciding about acting, Deciding not to act, Deciding to act, Acting, Maintenance; Stages: Model outlines a seven-step process one undergoes to adopt a precaution.
Social Cognitive Theory
Key Concepts: Observational learning, Reciprocal determinism, Behavioral capability, Expectations, Expectancies, Self-efficacy; Stages: Not a stage model, emphasizes reciprocal interaction of person, behavior, and environment.
Protection Motivation Theory
Key Concepts: Threat appraisal, Coping appraisal, Maladaptive responses, Adaptive responses; Stages: Not a stage model, focuses on intention formation.
Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model
Key Concepts: Information, Motivation, Behavioral skills; Stages: Not a stage model, suggests these components must work together to influence behavior change.
Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile
Key Concepts: Health responsibility, Physical activity, Nutrition, Spiritual growth, Interpersonal relations, Stress Management; Stages: Not a stage model, directly suggests a holistic approach to behavior change.
Theory of Planned Behavior
Key Concepts: Attitude toward the behavior, Subjective norms, Perceived behavioral control; Stages: Not a stage model, focuses on intention as the primary predictor of behavior.
Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change)
Key Concepts: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, Termination; Stages: The model is inherently about stages of change.
Health Action Process Approach
Key Concepts: Motivation phase (including risk perception, outcome expectancies, and intention formation), Volition phase (planning, action, and maintenance); Stages: Structured in two phases with several stages.
Social Norms Theory
Key Concepts: Perceived norms, Actual norms, Misperceptions of normative behavior; Stages: Not a stage model, focused on the influence of perceived norms on individual behavior.
Elaboration Likelihood Model
Key Concepts: Central route to persuasion, Peripheral route to persuasion; Stages: Not a stage model, but views persuasion as occurring through two distinct pathways.
Health Belief Model
Key Concepts: Perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers; Cues to action; Self-efficacy; Stages: Not applicable, as it is not a stage model.
Theory of Interpersonal Behavior
Key Concepts: Intention of behavior, Habit, Social factors, Affective factors, Facilitating conditions; Stages: Not a stage model but an interactional model of determinants of behavior.
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