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Health Psychology Research Methods
A statistical technique that combines the results of multiple studies. Used to find overall trends in research and estimate effect sizes.
Cross-Sectional Study
A study in which data is collected at one point in time from participants who represent a wider population. Used to assess the prevalence of health outcomes or behaviors.
Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)
An experimental study design that randomly assigns participants to an experimental group or a control group. Used to test the efficacy of health interventions.
Mixed-Methods Research
Research that combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. Used when both numerical data and detailed understanding of a topic are needed.
Cohort Study
A type of observational study where subjects are followed over time to determine how different variables affect outcomes. Used to identify risk factors for diseases.
Longitudinal Study
A research method that studies the same participants over a period of time. Used to observe long-term effects of or changes in health behaviors.
Experimental Research
A method where researchers manipulate one variable to determine if it causes a change in another variable. Used for testing hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships in health behaviors.
Case Study
An in-depth examination of an individual or group. Used to explore complex issues in health psychology that can't be studied through experimental methods.
Systematic Review
A literature review focused on a specific research question that uses systematic methods to select and critically appraise relevant research. Used to summarize or synthesize findings on a health topic.
A qualitative research method that involves the in-depth study of people and cultures. Used to understand health behaviors within a cultural context.
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