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Fruit Tree Diseases
Cherry Leaf Spot
Symptoms: Small purple spots on leaves that turn brown, premature leaf drop. Causal Agent: Fungus Blumeriella jaapii. Management: Fungicide sprays, resistant varieties, and good orchard hygiene.
Strawberry Leaf Spot
Symptoms: Small, purple to red spots on leaves, can lead to leaf scorch. Causal Agent: Fungus Mycosphaerella fragariae. Management: Fungicide application, resistant varieties, and proper leaf wetness management.
Coconut Lethal Yellowing
Symptoms: Yellowing leaves, fruit drop, and eventual palm death. Causal Agent: Phytoplasma. Management: Remove and destroy infected palms, use resistant varieties, and manage insect vectors.
Grape Powdery Mildew
Symptoms: White powdery spots on leaves and fruit. Causal Agent: Fungus Erysiphe necator. Management: Fungicides, resistant varieties, and maintaining good air circulation.
Banana Bunchy Top Virus
Symptoms: Stunted growth, bunchy top appearance, deformed leaves. Causal Agent: Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV). Management: Destroy infected plants, control aphid vectors, and use virus-free planting material.
Pear Fire Blight
Symptoms: Wilting and blackening of shoots, ooze from infected areas. Causal Agent: Bacterium Erwinia amylovora. Management: Prune infected branches, apply antibacterial sprays, and choose resistant varieties.
Apple Canker
Symptoms: Sunken, dead areas on bark, reduced fruit yield. Causal Agent: Various fungal species. Management: Pruning of infected branches, application of fungicides, and improving tree vigor.
Kiwi Bacterial Canker
Symptoms: Red exudate from cankers, vine dieback. Causal Agent: Bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae. Management: Prune out cankers, apply bactericides, and protect from frost injury.
Peach Leaf Curl
Symptoms: Reddish puckered areas on leaves, defoliation. Causal Agent: Fungus Taphrina deformans. Management: Apply fungicides before bud swell, remove affected leaves, and ensure proper nutrition.
Avocado Root Rot
Symptoms: Decline in tree vigor, leaf chlorosis, reduced fruit size. Causal Agent: Fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi. Management: Improve soil drainage, apply fungicides, and use resistant rootstocks.
Plum Pox Virus
Symptoms: Ring spots on leaves and fruit, deformed fruits. Causal Agent: Plum pox virus (PPV). Management: Remove infected trees, insect vector control, and plant certified disease-free stock.
Papaya Ring Spot Virus
Symptoms: Ringspots on leaves and fruits, stunted growth. Causal Agent: Papaya ring spot virus (PRSV). Management: Use virus-free planting material, control aphids, and practice field sanitation.
Citrus Canker
Symptoms: Yellow halo lesions on fruit, leaves, and twigs. Causal Agent: Bacterium Xanthomonas citri. Management: Destroy affected trees, use resistant varieties, and apply copper-based bactericides.
Apple Scab
Symptoms: Velvety brown or olive-green spots on leaves and fruit. Causal Agent: Fungus Venturia inaequalis. Management: Apply fungicides and practice crop sanitation.
Blueberry Leaf Rust
Symptoms: Yellowing and browning of leaf surfaces, premature leaf drop. Causal Agent: Fungus Thekopsora minima. Management: Fungicide applications, resistant varieties, and good fall sanitation.
Black Knot of Plum and Cherry
Symptoms: Black, tar-like swellings on twigs and branches. Causal Agent: Fungus Apiosporina morbosa. Management: Pruning infected branches, protective fungicides, and good sanitation practices.
Fig Mosaic Virus
Symptoms: Mottle or mosaic pattern on leaves, reduced fruit yield. Causal Agent: Fig mosaic virus. Management: Use disease-free cuttings, vector control, and remove symptomatic plants.
Olive Knot
Symptoms: Knot-like galls on branches and twigs. Causal Agent: Bacterium Pseudomonas savastanoi. Management: Pruning of infected limbs, disinfection of tools, and copper sprays.
Pomegranate Bacterial Blight
Symptoms: Water-soaked lesions on leaves and fruit, wilting. Causal Agent: Bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis. Management: Apply copper-based bactericides, remove infected material, and avoid overhead irrigation.
Brown Rot of Stone Fruits
Symptoms: Brown, soft spots on the fruit that can rot. Causal Agent: Fungus Monilinia fructicola. Management: Remove infected material, apply fungicides, and proper orchard sanitation.
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