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Herbicide-Resistant Weeds
Palmer Amaranth
Type of Resistance: Glyphosate-resistant Management Techniques: Rotate herbicide modes of action, use cover crops, and hand pulling
Type of Resistance: Multiple resistance including glyphosate and PPO inhibitors Management Techniques: Layer residual herbicides, cultivate, employ narrow row spacing in crops
Common Ragweed
Type of Resistance: ALS inhibitors and glyphosate-resistant Management Techniques: Use pre-emergence herbicides, rotate crops, and tillage
Giant Ragweed
Type of Resistance: Glyphosate and ALS inhibitors-resistant Management Techniques: Implement crop rotation, post-emergence herbicides, and mowing
Type of Resistance: Glyphosate, ALS inhibitors, and dicamba-resistant Management Techniques: Use diversified weed control, burn down prior to planting, and suitable crop rotation
Johnson Grass
Type of Resistance: Glyphosate-resistant Management Techniques: Employ integrated weed management, use a higher seeding rate, and deep plowing
Type of Resistance: ALS inhibitors-resistant Management Techniques: Pre-emergence herbicides, cultural control with crop competition, and crop rotation
Type of Resistance: Glyphosate and ALS inhibitors-resistant Management Techniques: Use pre-seeding tillage, glyphosate alternatives, and rotate with non-host crops
Yellow Nutsedge
Type of Resistance: ALS inhibitors-resistant Management Techniques: Improve field drainage, use timely herbicide applications, and rotate herbicides with different modes of action
Hairy Fleabane
Type of Resistance: Glyphosate-resistant Management Techniques: Practice early season weed control, increase herbicide diversity, and implement field scouting
Italian Ryegrass
Type of Resistance: Glyphosate, ACCase, and ALS inhibitors-resistant Management Techniques: Rotate with crops allowing tillage, use alternative herbicides, and adopt no-till practices selectively
Common Waterhemp
Type of Resistance: Glyphosate-resistant Management Techniques: Utilize full herbicide rates, timely cultivation, and apply soil-residual herbicides
Horseweed (Marestail)
Type of Resistance: Glyphosate and ALS inhibitors-resistant Management Techniques: Apply herbicides in the fall, use tillage strategically, and include cover crops
Annual Bluegrass
Type of Resistance: Glyphosate and ACCase inhibitors-resistant Management Techniques: Reduce overseeding in turf, apply pre-emergent herbicides, and ensure proper mowing practices
Russian Thistle
Type of Resistance: ALS and triazine-resistant Management Techniques: Delayed seeding, post-emergence herbicides, and strategic tillage
Black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides)
Type of Resistance: ACCase and ALS inhibitors-resistant Management Techniques: Delay autumn planting, use alternating chemical control, and maintain field hygiene
Wild Oat
Type of Resistance: ACCase and ALS inhibitors-resistant Management Techniques: Use crop rotation, control volunteer cereals, and apply pre-emergence herbicides
Barnyard Grass
Type of Resistance: ACCase inhibitors and glyphosate-resistant Management Techniques: Manage irrigation to reduce weed dominance, use certified seed, and apply herbicides at the right time
Prickly Lettuce
Type of Resistance: ALS inhibitors, auxinic herbicides, and glyphosate-resistant Management Techniques: Utilize effective crop rotation, diversified weed management, and timely mowing or hoeing
Type of Resistance: Glyphosate and ALS inhibitors-resistant Management Techniques: Enhance turf health, hand pull or hoe out young weeds, and utilize pre-emergent herbicides
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