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Chicken Breeds
Rhode Island Red
Characteristics: Brown eggs, robust and hardy, with reddish-brown feathers. Origin: United States.
Plymouth Rock
Characteristics: Brown eggs, dual-purpose, with barred, white, or buff feathers. Origin: United States.
Characteristics: Brown eggs, dual-purpose, with heavy, fluffy feathers often in buff, black, white, or blue. Origin: England.
Characteristics: Brown eggs, dual-purpose, with feathers in white, red, or speckled patterns. Origin: England.
Characteristics: White eggs, good layers, and have white or light brown feathers. Origin: Italy.
Characteristics: Brown eggs, known for their high egg production, with shiny black feathers. Origin: Australia.
Characteristics: Cream or tinted eggs, known for their fluffy plumage and black skin. Origin: China.
Characteristics: Blue and green eggs, known for their ear tufts and lack of tail. Origin: Chile.
Characteristics: White eggs, known for their pointed hood-like crest and spangled or laced feather patterns. Origin: Switzerland.
Characteristics: Brown eggs, large size, with dense feathering in light, dark, or buff. Origin: United States or China.
Characteristics: Brown eggs, broad-breasted and muscular, with dark feathers. Origin: England.
Buff Orpington
Characteristics: Brown eggs, friendly and docile, with rich golden buff feathers. Origin: England.
Characteristics: Dark brown eggs, tall stature and feathered legs, with black, blue or white feathers. Origin: China.
Characteristics: Dark brown eggs, known for their deep red color and large size eggs. Origin: Netherlands.
Characteristics: White eggs, are small and hardy, with mottled black and white feathers. Origin: Italy.
Characteristics: Brown eggs, dual-purpose breed, with laced, partridge, silver-penciled, golden, or blue feathers. Origin: United States.
Characteristics: Small eggs, miniature versions of standard chickens, come in a variety of colors and patterns. Origin: Worldwide.
Characteristics: White eggs, ornamental with elaborate head feathers and crests, with different color variations. Origin: Unknown but associated with Poland.
Characteristics: White eggs, known for their crest of feathers and five toes per foot, with mottled black and white feathers. Origin: France.
Jersey Giant
Characteristics: Brown eggs, largest purebred chicken, with black, white or blue feathers. Origin: United States.
Characteristics: White eggs, known for their V-comb and crest, and are critically endangered. Origin: France.
La Fleche
Characteristics: White eggs, distinctive V-shaped comb, with glossy black feathers. Origin: France.
Characteristics: Dark brown eggs, known for their double-laced feathers, calm demeanor. Origin: Netherlands.
Naked Neck
Characteristics: Brown eggs, noted for their lack of feathers on the neck and tolerant to heat. Origin: Eastern Europe.
Characteristics: Tinted eggs, heat tolerant and good layers, with red and white feathers. Origin: Spain.
Characteristics: Brown eggs, large size and heavily feathered legs, with various colors such as black, blue, and partridge. Origin: China.
Characteristics: Light brown eggs, known for their beard and feathered legs, with salmon, white or dark feathers. Origin: France.
Characteristics: White eggs, active foragers, with sharply patterned plumage in black and white or red and white. Origin: Germany.
Characteristics: Very dark brown eggs, reputed for their egg color, and have varying feather colors. Origin: France.
New Hampshire
Characteristics: Brown eggs, early maturity, with a deep red color. Origin: United States.
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