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Atheism and Agnosticism Explained
Is the lack of belief in the existence of deities. This non-belief stems from a skeptical approach to theology or the belief that gods do not exist. Atheism can be a stance of critical thinking or rejection of religious faith.
Is the view that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable. Agnosticism is not a belief system but a claim about the epistemological limits of knowledge regarding the existence of the divine.
Strong Atheism
Also known as 'hard' or 'positive' atheism, refers to the affirmative belief that no deities exist. This position asserts a claim and assumes the burden of proof to justify the non-existence of gods.
Weak Atheism
Also referred to as 'soft' or 'negative' atheism. It's the disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of a god or gods, without a claim to know that no gods exist. Weak atheism is essentially skepticism regarding theism and does not assert a belief claim.
Secular Humanism
Is a philosophy that emphasizes human reason, ethics, and justice while specifically rejecting religious dogma as the basis of morality and decision-making. It often coincides with atheism and agnosticism.
Is a theory that states that knowledge comes only or primarily from sensory experience. It's often associated with non-belief as it rejects the notion that beliefs should be founded upon unseen metaphysical entities.
Logical Positivism
Is a philosophy asserting that meaningful statements must either be empirically verifiable or logically necessary, and that statements about metaphysics and theology are therefore nonsensical. Atheists might use this to dismiss religious claims as meaningless.
Scientific Skepticism
Is the practice of questioning and testing claims using the scientific method. This approach may lead one to atheism by not accepting religious claims without empirical evidence.
Separation of Church and State
Is the principle that government must maintain an impartial distance from religious affairs. Often supported by atheists and agnostics, advocating a clear division between religion and public policy.
The Problem of Evil
Is the philosophical question of how to reconcile the existence of evil with an omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient God. It's often used by atheists to argue against the existence of a supposed all-good god.
Is a philosophy that emphasizes individual freedom and choice. It's often associated with atheism because it can lead to the conclusion that meaning in life isn’t derived from external divine commands, but from our own actions.
Occam's Razor
Is a logical principle that suggests we should prefer the simplest explanation that fits the data. Atheists often invoke it to argue that a natural universe without deities is simpler than one with divinely orchestrated order.
Religious Skepticism
Is a form of skepticism relating specifically to religions. It includes questioning the reliability of religious texts, the existence of deities, and the validity of religious claims and practices.
Is the principle that a proposition or theory cannot be considered scientifically valid unless it can be tested in such a way that it could be proven false. Atheists use this criterion to deny the scientific validity of theistic claims.
Moral Nihilism
Is the ethical view that morality does not inherently exist, and that any established moral values are abstractly contrived. Sometimes associated with atheism, though many atheists adopt secular ethical theories.
Is the theory in epistemology that posits one should only believe something based on evidence. This position often aligns with atheism, as the standard for belief requires valid, empirical, and convincing evidence.
Pascal's Wager
Is the argument that it's in one's self-interest to behave as if God exists, because the potential benefits outweigh the potential costs. However, atheists may reject this wager for lacking evidential basis and for presenting a false dichotomy.
Metaphysical Naturalism
Is the worldview that everything arises from natural properties and causes, and supernatural explanations are discounted. It's the philosophical basis for atheism and science's approach to knowledge and reality.
Is the opposition to theism. The term has a range of meanings, from a personal belief in non-existence of gods to active opposition to theism. Many antitheists are atheists who consider theism to be detrimental to society.
Free Thought
Refers to a philosophical viewpoint that holds that beliefs should be formed on the basis of science, logic, and reason, and not be influenced by authority, tradition, or any other dogma. Commonly associated with atheism and agnosticism.
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