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Famous Religious Parables
The Good Samaritan
A man gets beaten and robbed, and despite being ignored by a priest and a Levite, a Samaritan helps him and pays for his care. The parable teaches about compassion and loving one's neighbor regardless of societal divides.
The Prodigal Son
A son squanders his inheritance and returns home destitute. His father welcomes him back joyfully, while the obedient older son feels slighted. It highlights God's forgiveness and the human tendency towards jealousy and self-righteousness.
The Lost Sheep
A shepherd leaves his ninety-nine sheep to find the one that is lost. When he finds it, he rejoices. This parable illustrates God's concern for the lost, and the joy in their return to the fold.
The Mustard Seed
A tiny mustard seed grows into a large tree. The parable symbolizes the Kingdom of Heaven's humble beginnings and its ultimate expansive reach.
The Sower
A sower's seeds fall on various soils, yielding different results. The parable illustrates how the reception of the word of God varies based on the state of one's heart.
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
A Pharisee proudly prays about his own piety while a tax collector humbly asks for mercy. The parable underscores the virtue of humility over self-righteousness.
The Rich Man and Lazarus
A rich man lives in luxury while Lazarus suffers at his gate. After death, their fortunes are reversed. The parable warns against neglecting the poor and the consequences of a loveless life.
The Talents
A master gives his servants talents (money) before leaving. Two increase their talents; the third buries his. The master rewards the diligent servants and punishes the slothful one. The moral is to use God-given abilities wisely.
The Ten Virgins
Ten virgins are waiting for a bridegroom; five are prepared with oil for their lamps, and five are not. The wise virgins enter the wedding feast, while the foolish ones are turned away. It teaches preparedness and vigilance.
The Unmerciful Servant
A servant is forgiven a large debt by his master but refuses to forgive a smaller debt owed to him. The master punishes him for his lack of mercy. The parable demonstrates the importance of forgiving others as God forgives us.
The Two Builders
Two men build houses, one on rock and the other on sand. The house on rock withstands the storm, while the one on sand collapses. The teaching is to build one's life on a firm foundation of truth.
The Laborers in the Vineyard
Workers hired at different hours of the day receive the same wages from a generous landowner, causing grumbling. The parable highlights grace and generosity, teaching that God's reward is not based on human notions of fairness.
The Persistent Widow
A widow repeatedly asks an unjust judge for justice until he relents. The parable encourages persistent prayer and faith that God will ultimately deliver justice.
The Friend at Midnight
A man urgently needing bread for a guest at midnight asks a friend for help. Initially reluctant, the friend eventually provides the bread. The parable stresses persistence in prayer and God’s readiness to help.
The Rich Fool
A rich man focuses on building bigger barns to store his wealth rather than on being 'rich toward God.' His life is taken that night, rendering his efforts meaningless. The parable warns against greed and preoccupation with worldly goods.
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