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Sacred Texts: Themes and Philosophies
The Bhagavad Gita
Dharma (duty), Yoga (paths to realization), Sankhya (analytical knowledge)
The Bible
Agape (unconditional love), sin and redemption, covenant relationship
The Quran
Tawhid (oneness of God), Prophethood, Eschatology (Day of Judgment)
The Tao Te Ching
Wu wei (non-action), simplicity, natural order
The Upanishads
Brahman (ultimate reality), Atman (soul), Moksha (liberation)
The Dhammapada
Four Noble Truths, The Middle Way, Impermanence (Anicca)
The Torah
Monotheism, Law and Ethics, Covenant with God
The Analects
Ren (benevolence), Li (propriety), Filial Piety
The Book of the Dead
Afterlife, Judgment, Ma’at (truth, balance, order)
The Hadith
Sunna (Prophet Muhammad's practices), Halal and Haram (permissible and forbidden actions), Muslim ethics
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
Bardo (intermediate state), Enlightenment, Karma
The Avesta
Dualism (good vs. evil), Ahura Mazda (supreme God), Amesha Spentas (holy immortals)
The Guru Granth Sahib
Ik Onkar (One God), selfless service, equality of mankind
The Diamond Sutra
Sunyata (emptiness), impermanence, non-self
The Talmud
Rabbinic law and tradition, ethical behavior, study as a form of worship
The Tripitaka (Pali Canon)
Noble Eightfold Path, Dependent Origination, Four Noble Truths
The Vedas
Rta (cosmic order), sacrifice, hymns to deities
The Kabbalah
Ein Sof (Infinite), the Sefirot (attributes of God), divine emanations
The Zend Avesta
Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord), Angra Mainyu (destructive spirit), ethical monotheism
The Enuma Elish
Primordial chaos, divine succession, emergence of order
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