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Fish Diseases and Aquatic Medicine
Symptoms: Cloudy skin, breathing difficulties, erratic swimming. Treatment: Formalin, salt baths, increased temperature. Prevention: Avoiding crowding, good water quality management.
Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD)
Symptoms: Kidney enlargement, pale gills, abdominal swelling. Treatment: No effective treatment, culling often recommended. Prevention: Biosecurity, avoiding mixing populations.
Red Pest Disease
Symptoms: Red streaks on the skin, ulcers, fin rot. Treatment: Antibiotics like erythromycin, improved water conditions. Prevention: Avoid overcrowding, reduce stress, quarantine new fish.
Columnaris (Cotton Wool Disease)
Symptoms: Cotton-like lesions on skin, mouth sores, frayed fins. Treatment: Antibiotics (e.g., oxytetracycline), potassium permanganate. Prevention: Good water quality, avoid crowding.
Brooklynellosis (Brooklynella hostilis)
Symptoms: Excess mucus production, lethargy, skin and gill sloughing. Treatment: Formalin, copper sulfate. Prevention: Regular tank maintenance, quarantine new fish.
Symptoms: Skin irritation, excessive mucous production, lethargy. Treatment: Freshwater baths, formalin treatments. Prevention: Regular tank cleaning, proper quarantine procedures.
Gill Flukes (Dactylogyrus)
Symptoms: Gill damage, difficulty breathing, mucus covering gills. Treatment: Praziquantel, formalin treatments. Prevention: Good water quality, regular gill checks.
Necrotizing Fasciitis
Symptoms: Reddened skin, ulcers, fin rot. Treatment: Broad-spectrum antibiotics, supportive care. Prevention: Avoid injury, good water quality, minimize aggression.
Gas Bubble Disease
Symptoms: Gas bubbles in skin, eyes, and gills, buoyancy problems. Treatment: Lowering the supersaturation of gases in water. Prevention: Proper aeration and filtration systems.
Skin Flukes (Gyrodactylus)
Symptoms: Scratching against objects, skin inflammation, mucus excess. Treatment: Praziquantel, formalin solutions. Prevention: Regular health monitoring, quarantine of new fish.
Symptoms: Abdominal swelling, protruding scales, bulging eyes. Treatment: Antibiotics, epsom salt baths. Prevention: Balanced diet, regular tank maintenance.
Costiasis (Slime Disease)
Symptoms: Excessive mucus, skin sores, breathing difficulty. Treatment: Potassium permanganate, salt baths, formaldehyde. Prevention: Reduce fish density, maintain water quality.
Koi Herpesvirus (KHV)
Symptoms: Gill mottling, sunken eyes, increased mucus. Treatment: Euthanasia often recommended to prevent spread. Prevention: Quarantine new stock, test for KHV.
Symptoms: Fuzzy white tufts on body, lethargy, clamped fins. Treatment: Salt baths, increased water temperature, organophosphates. Prevention: Good water quality, appropriate water flow.
Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN)
Symptoms: Listlessness, darkening of skin, spiral swimming. Treatment: Management practices as there is no cure. Prevention: Vaccination, biosecurity measures.
Symptoms: Emaciation, lethargy, pale mucous membranes. Treatment: No effective treatment, supportive care. Prevention: Quarantine all new fish, maintaining excellent water quality.
Swim Bladder Disease
Symptoms: Difficulty swimming, floating upside down, lethargy. Treatment: Varies; may include fasting, peas, or surgery. Prevention: High-fiber diet, reduce overfeeding.
Amyloodinium ocellatum (Marine Velvet)
Symptoms: Fine white film on skin, rapid breathing, clamped fins. Treatment: Copper-based treatments, freshwater dips. Prevention: Quarantine new fish, maintain optimal salinity and temperature.
Symptoms: Abdominal swelling, difficulty swimming, loss of appetite. Treatment: Epsom salt baths, metronidazole. Prevention: Proper diet, regular water changes.
White Pox
Symptoms: White blotches on fish skin, lethargy. Treatment: Improved water quality, antibiotics. Prevention: Quarantine new fish, avoid stressful conditions.
Hexamitiasis (Hole-in-the-Head Disease)
Symptoms: Pits or holes on the head and lateral line, weight loss. Treatment: Metronidazole, improved diet. Prevention: Balanced diet with sufficient vitamins, regular water changes.
Symptoms: Knobby white or yellow skin growths. Treatment: Usually resolves on its own; good water quality. Prevention: Minimize stress, avoid injuries.
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich)
Symptoms: White spots on skin and gills, flashing, lethargy. Treatment: Copper sulfate, malachite green, raised water temperature. Prevention: Quarantine new fish, maintain high water quality.
Fish Tuberculosis
Symptoms: Emaciation, skin lesions, curved spine. Treatment: Difficult; euthanasia often recommended. Prevention: Avoid introduction of infected fish, maintain good water quality.
Velvet Disease (Gold Dust Disease)
Symptoms: Yellow or gold dust on skin, clamped fins, scraping. Treatment: Copper-based medications, malachite green, decreased light. Prevention: Quarantine new arrivals, good water quality.
Symptoms: Erratic swimming, exophthalmos, darkened skin. Treatment: Antibiotics (e.g., penicillin), supportive care. Prevention: Good water quality, avoid stressful handling.
Piscine Myocarditis Virus (PMCV)
Symptoms: Sudden death, lethargy, pale gills. Treatment: Currently no effective treatment. Prevention: Biosecurity, surveillance, and management practices.
Fish Fungus (Saprolegniasis)
Symptoms: Cottony growths on skin, eyes, or gills. Treatment: Antifungal medications (e.g., malachite green), salt baths. Prevention: Reduce organic waste, treat injuries promptly.
Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS)
Symptoms: Hemorrhaging, bulging eyes, bloated abdomen. Treatment: No specific treatment; management of outbreaks important. Prevention: Biosecurity measures, purchasing from certified disease-free sources.
Nematode Infections
Symptoms: Weight loss, visible worms in feces or protruding from anus. Treatment: Anthelmintic drugs (e.g., fenbendazole). Prevention: Avoid feeding live foods, proper disposal of infected carcasses.
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